Chapter 3. Two Ghosts

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Songs for this chapter are :

From the dining table - Harry Styles
Seeing blind - Niall Horan
Ever since New York - Harry Styles
Monument - Wesley Finn Tucker

When I run out of road, you bring me home - H.S

Cast :
Louis  Tomlinson - Louis Tomlinson
Harry Styles - Harry Styles
Zayn Malik - Zayn Malik
Liam Payne - Liam Payne
Niall Horan - Niall Horan
Zed - Nick Grimshaw
Aoki - Steve Aoki
Kourtney - Kourtney James

Louis's POV

My Uber is finally here. Niall told me that Harry is in Scarsdale , so that's where I am heading.

New York  traffic must be from hell. Yellow cabs are everywhere and people are just too many.
I look out the window as the driver waits for traffic to clear.

I call Lottie and tell her that I arrived safely. I call Aoki for the same reason.
Annoying honks fill the air and I wonder why people think that honking loudly makes the traffic much less.

If Scarsdale was anywhere near here, I could have walked. After two long hours, we're pulling over at the hospital. I rush to the reception area and ask for a ward room under Harry's name.

After five minutes a nurse is escorting me to the room. Without knocking, I push the door open to reveal a sleeping Harry Styles. He looks just as soft as I remember.

I am taken back to the last day I kissed those lips. Those days seem so long ago. Well they are, as it has been three years. I cannot tear my eyes from the sleeping form of an angel in front of me.

I notice that he cut his hair, and has  more muscle than I remember. I don't wake him up, I just proceed to the seat adjacent to the bed. On the bedside table, I find cards from Niall and Zayn.
Fuck. I didn't even remember to bring a card.

Some friend I am.

I continue to observe Harry as I slowly match my breathing to his. He looks so soft with his eyes closed. Like white cotton. What is wrong with me! I almost smack myself for allowing my thoughts to go there.

After ten minutes, Harry is still sleeping, unaware of his intruding company. I go out to the lobby to get coffee to keep me warm. Twenty minutes later, I'm done drinking my coffee and I am still staring at Harry like a sociopath. I really need to stop staring. I can't help it though. I take out my phone to listen to music as I wait for him to wake up.

Harry's POV

My eyes slowly flutter open as I try to adjust to the white light in this room. I feel really sore. Must be the shots I received when I was brought here in the  morning. Has it been only one day? It feels like I have been sleeping for days. Have I? I sure hope not.

I feel something on my lap and I look down.
It's Louis!Holy McNuggets! My insides start to warm up immediately. He's sleeping on my lap. Well he's seated on the seat, but his head is on my lap.

He must have gotten here when I was still asleep. I smile to myself as I take him in. The whole appearance and all.

Same lips red,

Same eyes blue,

Same white shirt,

Couple more tattoos.

Must have gotten them this year, or sometime after we stopped seeing each other.I notice one on his fingers. It's a number. 28.
Shut the front door!
He has the number 28 tattooed on his fingers. 2 on the ring finger and 8 on the middle finger. I don't know how I feel about this. It's all emotions though. Good, cheesy emotions. After all these years , I'm still in love with Lou.

This boy always seems  to amaze me.

The number 28 is special and important to both of us as we were supposed get married on the 28th of September back in  2013.

My mom and his were so proud of us. By now tears are threatening to pour out of my eyes and I need a destruction.

So I look at his hair. His perfectly perfect hair. He has shaved on the sides and the curls are toppled over at the top. My fingers are itching to run through the soft hair. It takes everything in me not to.

I'm nervous as I wait for him to wake up.

I remember everything that use to happen between us and I realize that I have really missed him.So much it hurts. My eyes start to get a little watery and it literally takes everything in me to hold the tears back.

Telling Kourtney to call the boys was really a good idea. Also, I was feeling a little cowardly to call them myself.

I recall how Niall and Zayn were happy to see me. I was so happy to see them too, and to learn that Niall is still a Larry. He was the first Larry shipper to be honest. I wonder how Liam and Zayn are doing. I miss their cheesy cuteness at the tour bus.

I wonder whether Louis has already met with Niall and Zayn. He has probably missed them as they wouldn't leave him behind. I check my bedside table to see their cards. There is also a post it note clipped on one card.

I reach over to read it and it says that the have gone to their hotel room to freshen up, and that they will be here after two hours.

I wonder whether Louis brought me a get well soon card. Knowing Louis, I doubt it. It doesn't matter though, him being here is enough.

As if on queue, he wakes up.

He takes a moment to look at me,a little confused and our eyes lock. My insides shiver a little.

"Hey" he says.

"Hello" I smile at him.

"I have really missed  you love " he says to me, his voice dripping with affection.

He probably shouldn't know how much I have missed him, how much I've imagined this scenario in my head. It is so much better in real life though. I get lost in my head so easily, so I look at him and answer before I'm far too gone.

"I missed you too Lou" I say slowly.

Hey guys sorry I took nine years to update again. I've been really busy with school. I loved writing this chapter so much though.
As promised, I've put up a cast list for you.

I've just watched the story of ziam part 1,2&3 on YouTube and I love their cheesy cuteness so much. Guys do you think ziam is real??
You can tell me in the comment section below.

Keep reading, I love you.

Jenny :)

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