chapter 18

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Katia POV

It took about five seconds to get out of the state of shock I was in when Jaz shot our mother, then another five to get over the shock that she was alive to being with. Once i got over the fact that, that trick was alive after all this time i ran down the halls of the dungeon behind Jaz. We ran out the back door and over to my car, I quickly put the car in gear and drove down the road with nothing on my mind but revenge. After all this time he wanna come into my life and ruin my happiness.

I can't believe I ever loved him. I can't believe I was running from him all this time. The more I thought about him, the more I got mad, and the faster I drove.

"You wanna tell me what the hell I waked into down there Jazmin?" I asked as darker streets passed in a blur
"Long story short, She was working for Rodney and she had to go." She said a little quietly

I made it to the house as Jaz said once I calmed down enough to listen. Its time for payback. (A/N cue evil smile)

Once I pulled up in the driveway, me and Jaz got out the car and I pulled my gun from out from my holster. I put my silencer on my gun, turned to my sister and nodded towards the door. I know y'all wondering why I'm just okay with the fact that she killed our mother, and knows how to work a gun. And the answer is I know about her work with Q, it was my idea I wanted to tell the girls about what I do but I didn't know how. And besides I got Murder on my mind. (A/N, Yea I said it😂 anywho back to the story)

When we get to the door, I grab a Bobby pin from Jaz hair and pick the lock, I count to three and bust thru the door. I shoot someone to my left as soon as we get in and Jaz does the same to her right. And that's how the next few minutes went, me and my sister in a cold fury shooting niggas side by side they didn't stand a chance. Once we were done, I sent Jaz back to the car, this was between me and Rodney. As soon as she left, no more than twelve seconds later there was a slow clapping from behind me. I didn't turn around I just closed my eyes and waited.

"Mhmmm, dear Cataleya my have you grown" the voice of the devil said and I just knew he was smiling.

"Why Rod.. you couldn't just leave me be. From the moment you met me, you knew I was too good for you" I said turning around to see him face to face and long behold he had a smile on his face so sinister it sent a chill through my whole body.

"My dearest Cat, you were mine before you even knew me. This is all because of you dear."

"What do you mean all because of me. I did nothing to you. All I did was love you and ask for it back in return. I never stole from you, I don't understand why you said I did, why you beat me for no reason" i question

His smile faded and he took a step towards me and into the light and i see him for the first time in years.
He had changed, his once sweet eyes were now soulless. His once beautiful brown skin was dingy, he looked half dead. Almost made me feel bad for him. But then I thought about all that he's put me through and how he had that bitch shoot the love of my life. And I just got mad as hell and pulled a dagger out from my bra and sent it flying past his face as a warning.

"Come any closer and I won't be so nice" I say through gritted teeth.

"Why so hostile love, your the one that betrayed me. Not only did you lie to me but you cheated on me and all I wanted to do was love you" he spat angrily then took two slow steps toward me.

"What the hell are you taking about, I never cheated on you. I gave you all my love, hell we weren't even together that long" as soon as I finished talking he quickly ran up and placed his hand and my throat and squeezed hard, but not hard enough to where I couldn't breathe completely

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