Bellamy and Clarke (I)

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Space has such little distance compared to how much I love you.

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Title: A Little Far From You

Plot: Bellamy and Clarkes time away from each other, and my version of how they'll come back together. I am writing this before season 5, so I have pretty much free range of how things are going. All of them are just made up and are not my actual predictions. if anybody cares (lol) you guys can just ask me on what I think.

profiter, mes mighties

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'Bell, can you hear me? H-Hello? Hopefully this thing works, I'm not a technical genius like Raven, but I (silence, glitch) work right. It's Clarke, the Nightblood solution worked. I survived the radiation, isn't that incredible? Now...I just need to survive. I wish we had more time, maybe we could have figured out something better. I (static) from the bunker. Maybe the radio isn't on the right frequency...I'm sure they're alive. Octavia knows what she's doing. (silence)

'Bellamy...(muffled, static) please be okay. (crying, static) I need you to be alright. I need you all to be alive, please (silence, radio glitching)...No! No no no no, c'mon! Bellamy? Bell- (radio shuts off, silence).'

"Damn it. Damn it!" Clarke is ready to throw the radio, but just as her hands are ready to release the worthless piece of junk, she realizes she still needs it. She will find a way to make the radio work correctly, and get into contact with her friends even if it kills her, which probably isn't far from the truth.

Clarke had been staying in right where the dropship had taken off, without her. She slept on the couch in the loft upstairs. She thought really hard if she wanted to trek all the way back to the Becca's house, she needed food. But what if it was in ruins? What if she wasted all that energy just to find the house had fallen to the ground? All the animals were probably dead. Is it possible for bugs to maybe have survived? Maybe some of the animals made it through the radiation, they did the last time something like this rained over the earth.

Clarke harshly placed the radio on the metal table in front of her, and sat back in her chair; rubbing her aching temple, the radiation burns haltingly healing, but still excruciatingly painful. It was dark inside, save for the one emergency light that would blink every ten minutes. She was exhausted. She was malnourished. She was alive, but still dying. And worst of all, she was alone.

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Bellamy couldn't remember how long he had been standing at the window for, you know, the one where he could see almost all of the Earth dying before him. The swirls of grey and a sickening orange washed over the place he once called home. Raven had left somewhat ago, saying she had 'shit to get done', which he had offered to help with. But Raven shook her head, arguing that he needed to be focused; that once he was then he could help.

So until then, he looked longingly out the window. Wondering what had happened, what had gone wrong. He ran dozens of different scenarios of how he could of done things differently, and how she would still be alive. She could be here, with them. With him. He couldn't shake the feeling of abandonment off his conscious. He blamed himself. He would always blame himself.

"Bellamy," A dull voice spoke from behind him. He peered over his shoulder, and met a pair of soft, yet hardened, eyes. Monty.

"What is it, Monty?" He put the bottle of Baton down of the ledge of the window, and crossed his arms.

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