Bellamy and Clarke (II)

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Maybe one day you will know that everyday you will touch a life or a life will touch yours.

Plot: Bellamy feeling like he's gotta be like a dad around Madi because he already has the mug and he's lowkey in love with her mom so...why not? Takes place after ep 5x05, 5x06 hasn't aired yet, and yeah it'll be all over the place so bear with me.

Title: Roots

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Bellamy wasn't really sure where it started. He felt strange almost being around Madi, not because he had just met her, nor because she had just told him the most shocking thing in his entire universe that Clarke was alive. It was that he felt like protecting her. He didn't see her as a sister, god no. He could barely handle his own. He didn't see her as a friend, because it just didn't feel like a Monty or Raven relationship. It felt like he wanted to make sure she was okay, always. Even though he had just met her not too long ago.

He supposes it started right around when Madi told him about what she and Clarke had been through for the past 6 years. Bellamy knew Clarke could handle herself, but also raising a kid? How did she do it? While Madi talked with the rest of the crew, all Bellamy could think was how could he leave Clarke like he did? He knows he had to, but another small part of him thought would anything be different if she made it? If he had just waited a little longer? Six years with her.

But then he looked to Madi. A smile on her face as she talked about Clarke, guess they had something in common already. And suddenly, he realized that Madi was his family now. And nothing anybody could say would change that. He was puzzled by how he could look at her as family, and have only known her for a few days. But then he saw how Madi ran straight passed him, and straight for Clarke. Something he had once done as well, probably at some point, he thinks. He's most likely to have done it more than he believes, but it soon became almost natural and unnoticeable. It was just the right thing. But as she ran to Clarke, he for some odd reason ran to Echo. Yes, he loved her. Yes, she was family. So why did something not feel right?

He's overanalyzing. As soon as he saw how Madi ran to Clarke, it was obvious that Madi looked to Clarke as some sort of maternal figure. Family. So that's what Madi would be to him: family. When Madi drove the rover, he didn't feel nervous or unease. He felt proud, even though he didn't teach her, he remembers who he taught.

"No." He spat. "No, I will not teach you to drive the rover."

"Bellamy, please!" She had begged, her hand gripped around his bicep, trying and succeeding to turn him around to face her. "You said it yourself: I need to learn how to drive the rover."

"I don't think I said that." Bellamy stated.

"Yes," She piped. " Yes you did!"

He shook his head, and the corners of his mouth disobeyed his stern exterior, forming a smile he only saved for her. "You making up things now, Princess? That's not like you."

"What if you're hurt and I'm the only one there and I have to drive your sorry ass back here?" She cocks her brow, a gleam in her ocean blue eyes.

"Then I'll drive myself." He retorted, grabbing the tool kit Raven asked for earlier that day and starting to head towards where he suspected Raven would be. He could see out of the corner of his eyes, her blonde hair racing after him right on his heels.

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