Bellamy and Clarke (III)

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Wether or not you believe in fairytales, every girl is a princess to somebody.

         And Bellamy had his.

plot: basically bellamy's love for clarke throughout the seasons. i'm probably gonna skip around a lot with this. also there is a lot of the shows actual dialogue in this so it all belongs to the writers. i didn't come up with any of it, obviously. so bear with me okay thanks.

Title: My Princess.

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She didn't act like a princess, no.

In fact, you'd hardly believe she was one at all. But I suppose it all depends on your definition of 'princess'. Are you picturing a girl in a pink, fluffy dress? With her hair pinned into the most beautiful bun you'd ever seen with a gold crown sitting proudly atop her head? Or maybe, you're a little more of a dreamer. Where princess to you means your childhood heroes, from Titania to Belle to Cinderella and Sleeping Beauty. Maybe even Ariel? Maybe your definition of princess isn't a girl in a big dress or a Disney movie. Maybe she was simply just a girl. But let's be real here. There is never simply just a girl.

To him, she was privileged. With her mom being in the council and her dad a senior environmental engineer-not to mention a deputy resource officer-he considered her spoiled and advantaged. Living in the high life while he was stuck with the underdogs. His dream was a guard, but his reality told him a janitor. He was there. He had his dream in his clutches, and then it was taken. He couldn't blame her for it. He couldn't really blame anyone for what had happened besides maybe the Chancellor. But even then, was it his fault?

It didn't matter, he would soon come to find out. He shot the Chancellor to be with his sister on the ground and thats when she popped into his life. They had never really known each other. Maybe had a few classes here and there, but he was older than her so there wasn't any reason why they would come into contact. But now there was a reason. A place--people--who they once called home sent them to the ground to die. When you say it in that retrospect it might sound horrible, and depressing. But to Bellamy it was a chance to start over. With his sister, and himself. He was a leader here, not some janitor(though he realized they were very important). People listened to him, and what he had to say.

But they also listened to someone else. Someone whose hair contained the sun and eyes the ocean. Her voice was strong, and seriousness drowned into the ears of the people of the camp. People knew her, hell, he even knew her. He knew what she was and she was privileged. And to Bellamy, princesses are always privileged.

"Brave Princess," He used to taunt her. Bellamy knew the nickname would stick, and not in the way she wanted it to. Her upper lip twitched when he called her that, eyes glaring in angst and annoyance. He loved to make Princess mad.

But as time went on, he came to realize that she wasn't so bad. Sure, she was annoying, and that wristband was becoming painfully hard to get off, but he knew even deep down that he needed her. Sure, Murphy was cool. He was great sometimes. But he was irrational. And she wasn't. While she may have been privileged, she was smart and resourceful. She didn't care what people thought of her, and ordered the camp around with an iron fist. Was he impressed? Maybe. Did she still irritate the crap out of him? Yes.

But she was useful. So he kept her around. But she was still a prissy princess.

Don't act like you're not intimidated, Bellamy.

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