Arkadia High

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It's the oldest story in the world. One day you're seventeen and planning for someday, and then quietly, without you ever really noticing, someday is today, and that someday is yesterday and this is your life.

-Nathan Scott

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this is something i have always wanted to do. but i do not know where i would go with the story, so i've decided to make it into a one shot lmao. so here ya go.

will include some hinting of ships but no one's really together as like bf/gf or gf/gf or bf/bf. ya you know. but it's just going to be a day in the life of Arkadia high, just sitting in class and at lunch and all that highschool drama.

so yeah, idk if this is a one shot or what but it's just this one chapter. if i feel like i could go somewhere with it, then maybe a second chapter. but no fingers crossed. okie dokie lets get on with it.


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The light slowly seeped in through the spaces between the cheap, plastic blinds and into Raven's eyes. She groaned.

"Great." She mumbled into her pillow. She knew sunlight was a sure sign of having to get up for school soon. Her head was pounding against her skull like a hammer on a nail, and she silently cursed under her breath at Echo. She had told Echo it was a bad idea to stay out late drinking on a school night. She had also told her that the orphanage would kill them if they caught the both of them sneaking out.

"Relax," Echo's breath had reeked of rum. "You--you worry too much, Reyes."

Raven chuckled, and took the flask from Echo's grasp. She took a quick yet gradual swig, the liquid sending a pleasant burning feeling down her throat. "Maybe you're right."

Raven was glad she had Echo to show her not everything in life was terrible. Raven had a rough life with her dad leaving her at the ripe age of 7 and her mother drinking herself to death at age 8. She didn't have any family that she knew of so she had to go to the Tondc Orphanage. Echo was Raven's first friend at the orphanage and now one of her best friends. Echo's story was probably even sadder. Her mom had died as well, though it was from cancer. Her mom left her dad in charge of her, but he didn't want to handle being a single dad so he gave poor Echo up for adoption. She's 17 now, and almost a legal adult along with Raven. Sure, there have been foster homes, and potential adopters but that was forever ago. They're older now, and nobody really wants to adopt seventeen year olds.

They're planning on renting a place together along with a few other friends once they hit 18, and are able to get stable jobs. But until then, she must work her way through high school, and get good grades, and graduate and all this other stuff. She had to be honest, though. The orphanage was amazing. It wasn't like what all the movies made it out to be. She had food, real food and not mush. Her bedroom wall's were decorated, and they even made Echo her roommate so she wouldn't be rooming with a stranger when she first got here. They would celebrate her birthday and have a party. They helped her get her driver's license, and how to do things when she's an adult like pay taxes and get decent insurance. She had a comfy bed, and clothes that weren't tattered. They would help her with school work if she needed (though she rarely did).

Though it was one person who was always there next to her. Her name was Indra Porter. She looked like a hard ass and sometimes she was strict but it was her who sat in the car next to Raven while she practiced driving. Her was her who planned the parties, and got her a little something. It was her helping her with her homework, and telling her how to pay taxes and insurance. If anything, Indra's been like a mom to her and Echo. And she loves her for that.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2022 ⏰

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