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Arriving at the highschool I still had 10 minutes to spare, but the highschool has changed so much. It looks like a prison it has an electric wire fence going around it with water towers, at the entrace there's Gaurds with metal detectors. Angel,  Sunny and I jumped out of the car, we started to walk towards the entrance. Angel stood next to me, and Sunny was behind us. The Gaurds were wearing full body protection suits, a hard grabbed Sunny and started to go through his pockets.

"get the fuck off me, " he yelled at the Gaurds trying to get out of his grip. The Gaurds then pulled out the plastic bag that has the Edge in it,  the Gaurds then got him to the floor and began to cuff him.

"hey are you going to do anything?" Angel asked me,

"no he go  caught with the drugs but my problem, " I told him honestly. The students that came to this school were either in gangs,  doing drugs or losers, Angel then ran off toward my old gang. The Blackhearts, I needed to report. I sighed and walked through the gates, I walked up to a gaurd.

"hi I got released today and got told I have to report here, " I told him, he pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket.

"Cody Culp? " he asked,  I nodded.

"okay get to your class," he told me, listing to what he said I turned around and walked in to the building. God maybe I should of stayed in prison,  there's more Gaurds here than there. But maybe should was grabbed,  I turned around and saw that it was Angel and his now new friends.

"so your brother here has told us you don't want to be black heart? " Hector said as he approached me.

"so what if I don't? "

"you either with us or against us, "

"I'm both, " I told him I pushed through the gang and in to the school building. Then soon enough the screen went and everyone pushed in to their classes, I'm glad I have a good memory to remember I have chemistry. Walking in to the class,  I could see Hell and his brother had made it. They were in the back so I decided to sit in the front next to a girl and a black heart. The girl was really pretty, she has brown hair and bright hazel eyes. She was drawing in a book, drawing little flowers in the corner, she then turned around.

"why don't you leave him alone?" she asked Mook who was picking on a loser.

"why should I? "

"because if you actually sat the fuck down and learnt something you wouldn't be acting like a cunt," she spat back. She's also got an attitude and no fear,  I wonder what her name is. Then an African American woman walked in, she must be our new chemistry teacher.

"good morning  class I'm your new chemistry teacher and my name is Ms. Connors, " she yelled,  trying to get everyone attention. But she got ignored, she sat on her desk looking at the class. Only a few students were actually sitting down in their seats being quiet while the others were yelling and throwing stuff. Mook was still picking on the same kid, Miss Connors slowly made her way towards Hell and the kid.

"that's not cool," she told him, he smiled.

"thats not cool,  why don't you fuck off, " he spat at her, she stayed calm. She stood in front of him, he let go of the kid and walked over to her. She then pushed him making him fall on his ass, his brother Milt tried to hit her but she moved out of the way and pushed him over to.

"now sit down, " she said in a threatening tone. They did as she said and sat down, the whole class was quiet and watching her every move. Well this class is going to be fun.

When the class ended,  I started to move towards my next class history. I kept my head low not wanting to get attention from the gangs, my history class is just up stairs.

"well, she got the class to shut up, " the pretty girl in my science class said as she walked beside me.

"hi I'm Christie sorry that I didn't introduce myself in chemistry I was scared that Sheera the devil woman would bite me, what a drag that class is going to be," she added,  giggling.

"I thought you would love the class since your new, " I replied, 

"yeah I came here from Nixon, my dad was worried about the gangs but I told him not to worry, ",  she told me,  Nixon is a no drug zone school. What a change for her, no drugs to drug central.

"look he doesn't want to hang out with us, he wants to kiss up to her, " Hector said behind me,

"he wants the principal daughter, " Clair added. You've got to be kidding me, the only girl I actually found attractive and it's the fucking princples daughter.

"yeah so my fathers the new principal so what's your point? " she shot back at them, she then turned back to me.

"so anyway do you want to hang out some time? " she asked me,

"I sure your father would love that, "

"I didnt ask if you wanted to do something with my dad, " she smiled back. I then noticed I was at my class,

"well this is my class, "

"are you going to call Me or what? " asked asked.

"yeah,  I'll see you around, " I told her walking in to class,  she smiled and started to walk away. Hector and Clair was standing at the door,  I pushed passed them and walked towards an empty seat. I wonder how bad this class is going to be.

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