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Looking around the cafiteria I could see Christie sitting by herself, she wore a pair of black jeans with a white shirt and a brown jacket. She was just sipping on a juice box as I approched her, she ignored me as I sat next to her, she didn't even look at me.


''sorry about yesterday,'' I added. I wasn't mad at her, but I couldn't help it.Then she looked at me,

''jesus Cody what happened to you?'' she asked noticing more brusies I got from the blackhearts.

''nothing the blackhearts gave me a little going awaay party,'' I replied,

''Christie your dad's lying, Sunny didn't die from drugs he was killed,''

''by who?''

''Mr.Hardin, if I can get you to believe that he did it, could maybe you try to tell your dad cause he might not even know what's happening,'' I tell her, she sighs but then looks at me again.

''come with me over to Hardin's house okay?''I asked her,

''I saw him with Sunny's crucifix yesterday if I can find it-''

''now?'' she interupted me and asked,

''you mean cut class?''

''yeah you've never cut class?'' she's such a goody two shoes.

''fine let's go,'' I smile and stand up, she follows me out of the school and towards where I had parked my back. I jump on and she follows and wraps her arms around me, to make sure she doesn't fall off. I started my bike and started to head towards where I rememeber where he lived,

''in my back pocket there's a piece of paper with his address on it,'' I told her, he was able to grab the piece of paper,

''this has all the teachers adresses on it,''

''yeah I know,''

''this is really werid,''

''what is?'' I asked,

''Bryles and Hardin live at the same adress, wait Miss Connors lives there too,'' she tells me. I pull up in front of the house, I parked my bike down the road sort of.

''what happens if we get caught?'' she asked,

''just pretend we live here,'' I tell her. I grabbed my knife and busted the lock, the front door opened.I walked inside and Christie followed behind, they had no furinture or pictures just three chairs in the center of the room with giant tanks next to each one,

''we need to find a gold crucifix on a gold chain,'' I told her.

''I hope we can find it in the middle of this cutter,'' she joked, walking in to the kitchen, there was nothing, no food or anything. Why don't they even have a fork? We walked in toa bedroom and there was a single box full of womens clothes.

''I think this is Miss Connor's room,'' she said as she picked up a bra,

''unless  those guys are werider than you thought,'' she added. We left the room and entered another, instantly I saw the crucifix. Grabbing it off the floor I showed Christie,

''his mum gave him this, he would never give it up,'' I told her. I heard a car and looked out the window, I could see the teacher's pulling in to the driveway.

''shit,'' I grabbed her hand and lead her out of the room and down stairs, we then ran for the back door but before I could open it I heard the front door open.

''we've been invaded,'' Mr Hardin said, I quickly ran out of the back door with Christie. Running towrds the bike, I could see that they saw both Christie and I. I started my bike as she got on it and started to drive away, I could see that the teachers have gotten in to their car and had started to follow us. After butting  enough distance between us and the teachers, I stopped.

''you better go, I'll lose them, I'll call you tonight,'' I told her, she got off my bike and started to run. I started to go again but the teachers were catching up, I could feel them on my tail. So I turned on to a road, but before I could see the warnin saying that the road was uncomplete. I tunred and leaned down making the bike skid,following behind it I skidded across the pavement. But soon enough I came  to a stop, I watched as the teachers went flying off the road and in to the water. I got back up and started my bike again, to my surprise it started. I hopped on and started to head home, I needed to call Christie.

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