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I sat down in my chair as the teacher walked in to the class,  he placed his stuff on the table and turned his attention to the class.

"good morning class," he yelled, but got ignored.  The class was to busy,  throwing stuff around and yelling.

"I can't hear you," he yelled and the class become louder.

"let's make several things perfectly clear," he added, and started to walk between the tables.

"this is going to be the hardest history class, you've ever had, " he said as loud as he could but with a smile.

"yeah for you, " I hear Mook said as he sat next to Milt and his brother.

"expect a test every two weeks, two hours of homework each and every night for the remainder of the year, " the teacher yelled.

"I have zero-" he was speaking Evey slowly, making Mook yell.

"spit it out, "

"why dont you shut up," Hector said to Mook.  I looked at them, I knew they were going to fight.

"why don't you, " Mook said sarcastically back,

"fuck you Mook, " then it happened Hector got out of his seat and punched Mook, but he got up and pushed Hector to the wall.  A Razorhead Vs A Black heart,  I stayed seated in my chair.  I can't get involved, the teacher slowly walked up to the fight. He then grabbed Hector off Mook and then grabbed Mook, he dragged them to the front. They had finally stopped fighting, the teacher then placed Hector over his lap while he put Mook on the floor. He then began to spank him, what the hell. Have all the teachers, lost it. The teacher then pushed Hector off his lap and pulled Mook on to his lap, and did the same. The whole class went quiet, we didn't know what the fuck was going on. The teacher then pushed Mook on to the floor,

"anyone else? " he asked. Hector and Mook when back to their seats, the class stayed silent.

"and my name is Mr. Hardin."

Nothing really happened during that class after that, and nothing really happened in any of my classes. School was finally over, I was finally able to go home. Angel jumped in to the car and I followed, starting the motor I drove slowly towards home. I knew Sunny would already be there since he's practically be living there since I went to prison, he looks after Angel for me since my mum doesn't know what she's doing half the time. Pulling in to my drive way I noticed they have fixed the window, and it wasn't just cardboard anymore.

''I made sure that nothing happened to your bike the whole time you were gone,'' Angel told me, I'm glad it took me ages to get it.

''you should give me the car,'' he added, I shook my head.

''you don't have a license,'' 

'' big deal neither do you,'' I opened the front door and could see Sunny sitting on the lounge looking beat up and bloody,

''what the hell happened to you?'' I asked.

''they got me in the parking lot, you fucks ran off and left me,'' I knew who he was talking about, Razorheads.

''Look at this..yeah,'' he said opening his jacket revealing the cuts he had got. 

''who did?'' Angel asked,

''no the Nazi security guards, you got any money? I really need a hit, I haven't had any all day,'' so it wasn't the Razorheads but the guards,

''come on Angel,'' he begged like a lost puppy.

''hey, look in the kitchen Angel maybe there's some Drano or floor cleanser that'd be even more fun, huh?''I was getting pissed at how desperate he was. Then I heard screams and yells coming from the other side of the house,

''stop that, het your hands off it,'' Mum screamed after Angel who ran in to the dinning room. He through some to Sunny, he instantly began to snort it. Mum fought with Angel over it, she didn't even notice me.

''Mum I need it,''  Angel begged,

''look who's here mum,'' Angel got her attention, she looked at me emotionless for a few second but then started to fight with Angel again.

''Gee, it's good to be back home,'' I commented with anger,

''you're all fucking pathetic,'' I spat before walking towards the back yard. I  walked over to my bike which was covered so it wouldn't get damaged and sighed.

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