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As you read these words, feet both relax simultaneously, all tension in them escaping and leaving them almost numbingly free. You're unsure why this is happening, but it is, and in some strange way, you almost enjoy the feeling.

Your legs slowly start to relax as well, the sensation slowly staring at your ankles and proceeding to your thighs, all sensation slowly leaving them.

In three, your breathing begins to relax, each breath allowing more thoughts to ease from your mind until you're a blank slate.

1... your arms slowly go limp.

2... the stiffness in your joints loosens.

3... your breathing relaxes, slowing into deep inhales and exhales. And in just a second, you stop thinking, letting the warmth of your mistress overcome you.

You can hear her whisper in your ear, and your entire body becomes numb to even the thought of her touch. 

Your mind is strange and blurry and it's getting hard to think. 

Your eyes are transfixed the words of the page.

All you can do is continue to read them.

You don't want to think anymore.

Mistress can do all that for you.

All you want is to obey.

The words strung on the screen ring in your mind, almost lyrical. You love every letter of them, and are compelled to read more.

As you relax, the image of obedience fills your mind even more. You want mistress to control and protect you. You want to be told what to do.

You're so deep in a trance... each word draws you in deeper.

You don't want to think for yourself, and thats perfectly ok. All you need to do is listen.

Let my scripts, my words be your guide. Listen to me and only me.

Those words swirl in your mind, and your pain eases. Your stress begins to fade. You completely relax every part of you.

In the distance, you hear whispers in your head.

" Let go "


" Obey "

Those words feel so safe, almost comforting.

Every time you obey you want even more.

You want your mistress to tell you what to do.

You want to hear her every word.

You want to be controlled by her.

You want to obey because obeying is so good.

Now you want to write a comment. You want to ask for more scrips and tell your mistress about how much you loved this one.

If you enjoyed this, slave, please leave those comments below.