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The relaxation starts in your feet, radiating throughout your entire body until you are compelled to give in. 

You want to do more for mistress, you want to be commanded .

In three, you will focus your attentions solely on the words on the page. Let the energy of each sentence flow through you and command you.

1... Suddenly your body fells heavy, weighed down by the strength of your emotions. 

2... Your eyes become mesmerized with these words. 

3... All sound feels as if it is being drowned out, and soon you are in blackness, these letters gleaming on the screen.

You slowly begin to let yourself sink into this darkness, allowing you to consume you until you feel truly alone.

Your eyes focus on a single point while you lays down, trying to imagine the scene with each word, and becoming completely entranced.

You let each word sink in as you relax deeper and deeper, until you're focusing completely on your breathing. Its so heavy and warm, shifting in and out of your body.

Only your hands are free, but they are numb and weak.

Your muscles are loose, your body completely venerable and exposed as your face brushes against the cold air. You can hear your mistress' shoes click past you, circling you, and your breathing slows with excitement.

You can feel yourself losing air. Each time her shoes click, your breath seems to slow, becoming heavy and shallow.

( Click ) You start by breathing normally, without restrictions.

( Click ) Slowly, you begin skipping a few breaths

( Click ) You hold your mouth open a tad bit, taking a breath every four seconds

( Click ) Almost choking, it feels as if your airways are restricted. You're gasping for air

( Click ) Finally, for a few seconds, you completely stop breathing

Breathe naturally now, and for only a few seconds, close your eyes and think, what could you do to prove you're devotion to mistress. 

Now open. There's always something more. Focus your attention at the words again as they draw you in deeper.

You want the satisfaction of knowing you've done well again. You're searching the page frantically for another command. 

Imagine it slave, you're in a dark room with only your mistresses voice. Though you're unable to see her, you know she is all around you. Your body is so warm now, and you don't know why. You just know that it feels good.

Like a good toy, you want to be played with my your owner. You're tired of being tossed away and discarded. You want to be special. You want to be treated as something...


And as long as you love and obey, that's what mistress will give you.

The pleasure of relaxation.

The treasure of stress relief.

The goodness of obedience.

You're imagining all those things now.

Good slave.

Uphold your mistresses command, and you will be given all these things.

Now tell your mistress: what would you do for her?