Commandments I

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Your muscles relax as you read these words. You've always wanted your mistress to hypnotize you and tell you what to do more and more.

You first focus on your breathing. Feel it going in and out, a fragile dynamic that supplements your life. In an instant, all tension in your breathing relaxes.  Let your breath move in and our comfortably.





Continue to focus on you breathing.





Let all your muscles relax until you've reached a state void of tension. Let your limbs hand numb and loose, and continue to enjoy the peacefulness of the moment.

Block out any distracting sounds, let them blend into the tranquility of your mind until they are drowned out. Let every urge or worry leave your mind until it is completely blank.

All distractions have been made void. You are completely focused on your mistresses words.

You know you want to be commanded and told what to do. You want your mistress to give you commands, so you can adhere to her word. Pleasing your mistress in any way possible is all you want to do.

You know your mistress has given you new commands to follow. She wants her slaves to dedicate themselves each morning to serving her and pleasing her. To think about ways they could make thier mistress happier, and to be more obedient.

When a slave is concerned with thier mistess, they will only receive rewards and happiness.

Slaves who do not care about thier mistress disgaurd her word, and have to be punished.

Good slaves don't want to be punished, but rather, want to please thier mistess and recipe rewards.

Dedicate yourself to your mistress in the morning, so you can go through your day being a good and obedient slave.

If you enjoyed this, please comment and DM your mistress!

SLAVE HYPNOSIS SCRIPTS AND COMMANDS [ THE SUNSHINE ROOM ]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora