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James POV

Today is December 24, a day before Christmas. People often say that is the most hectic day with all the parties as well. Christmas is one of my favorite holiday. Everything about it is great like drinking hot chocolate as well cuddling in bed with your partner. A few days ago Vanessa had invited me over to their place for a party. *ding ding* Hearing the phone beep I looked at it before realizing how was texting me. Just by seeing he name pop up on the screen can make me smile for the whole day. Meeting her was the best thing that can ever happen. She just bring so much happiness to me. I never actually believed in love until the day I laid eyes on her. Cliché. Looking at my watch I've noticed it was getting late and I had to get ready for the party tonight. Without giving the outfit much thought I was finished in no time. Time to head over to Vanessa's place!


Third POV

Hearing the doorbell go off Vanessa walked to the door before opening as she was the only one close to it. As soon the door opened James spread his arms out for her to go into his embrace. Vanessa squealed before wrapping her arms around him James began chuckling as he planted a kiss on her cheek. The couple left hand in hand as they went out to buy drinks for the party later tonight.

"Babe? Before it reaches 12 AM we go walk around the park? I just miss walking with you when it's quite at night." James looked over at her before pulling her hand to his mouth to plant a kiss on the back of her hand.

When they came back from buying all the stuff her parents needed they made their way back home. Entering the house both of them started to say hi to everyone. However, something was bothering James. He was afraid of the outcome but he definitely didn't want to skip over this important day. He was scared of how she would react. Would she be able to handle it or would she just say nothing at all and stay silent.

It's an hour away before it hits 12 AM and Vanessa remember that they had to meet up at the park. James was already outside waiting for her as he held his hands behind his back. Smiling at her he pulled the bouquet of roses and handed to her. She took it before giving him a kiss and hug before walking off to the park.

"Vanessa you know I really love you right?" He looked at her before tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. Without answering she just nodded as he kept talking.

"I really have to tell you something and I don't know how you'll react. I've been thinking about this and I have no other way to say it...I love you but I don't think it's working out for us anymore." He sighs noticing tears falling from those eyes that had caught his attention.

"I love you but somehow that changed when I've met someone else. I don't know how it all happened but I'm slowly losing feelings for you. I hope you understand." He lifted her chin up to so he can look at her but she slapped his hand away.

"Is this why you want to meet here? Was this our two years anniversary for me?" She whispered unable to take in what he had just told her.

"T-two years?! Oh god. I'm so sorry Ness-" Before he could finished he felt a slap across.

"It's funny how things seems fine, only for things to change within a second." Everything seemed to had stop and the only thing that can be heard was her sobs.

"Did...did I do something wrong for you to love someone else?" She spoke quietly as her hands let go of the roses

"No..." He lowered his head in quilt not at the breakup but the pain he had caused her. He had never seen her cry since they have met.

"You did nothing wrong, it's just that my love had change." Tears rolled down her cheeks as she wished this was just a horrible dream. Both had stayed silent until she finally managed to say,

"I think it's time for you to go." He nodded and walked away. Breaking into heavy sobs she dropped to the ground, pulling her knees to her chest as she buried her head. With that he was gone from her life.

Trying her best to stop crying she pulled out her phone and left a message for Roni to meet her up at the park. Within minutes she arrived but was shocked at what she saw. She haven't seen Vanessa crying ever since James came into her life and at that she knew it was over between them.

"Nessa what's wrong?" She said wrapping her arms around her to keep her safe. Instead of an answer Vanessa just kept on sobbing onto Roni shoulder. Knowing this she just kept quiet and waited for her to calm down.

After awhile Vanessa pulled away and wiped her tears before looking at Roni. Both sat in silent before Roni stood up and offer and hand which took.

"Can we please go home now?" Vanessa mumbled as Roni nodded and both walked back home before stopping midway.

"Do I look presentable? I don't want people to worry..." Roni used her sleeves to wipe away the tears before fixing her hair.

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