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(part 2 of Miracle in December)

Vanessa POV

After we finished our conversation I couldn't help but go back to the photo he mentioned me in. Without knowing a smile creep across my face as I was looking back at the photo he had mentioned me. I don't even know why but I felt at eased. I guess it's because he actually uploaded something that can cause his fans to leave him easily. As I was in my own bubble Roni had enter and stood behind me.

"Why are you smiling like that?"

I yelped in surprise before showing her the photo. As she looked at it I could here her laughing.

"This is the happiest I've seen you since yesterday, Nessa. You're all smiling just because of a photo." She laughed once more before pinching my cheeks that she loves so much.

"Who wouldn't though. Just look at those baby turtles!!! Aren't they just cutest?" I said pointing at the turtle but I knew that wasn't the full truth. I just didn't want her to think too much of this.

"Mhmm. So what are you up to today?" She said as she pulled the chair out and sat down facing me. I was wondering if it was okay to tell her but us sisters never hide anything from each other so I went on and told her. Just as expected her eyes went huge with surprise.

"He asked to hangout and you said yes?" Nodding to her question I felt myself blush. I got up to get ready before she can anything else or notice my pink tinted cheeks. Taking that as a cue to leave she turned around before saying,

"Have fun and take care of yourself. Be yourself." Chuckling to myself I started to get ready and just on time I received a text message from Grayson saying he's out in front. After gathering my stuff I said bye to my parents and of course Roni before heading out the door. Not going to lie but I was nervous when I was making my way to his car. When I got in he handed me a Starbuck drink which left me puzzled.

"Before coming here I asked google what's Vanessa favorite Starbucks drink and I encounter your tweet of what you get. One of the longest order I've seen." With that another smile crept across my face before introducing myself.

"I appreciate it and I know many people said it's long but it taste wonderful. Well, I'm Vanessa that youngest twin." I stick my hand out for a handshake.

"Nice meeting you, Vanessa. I'm Grayson also the youngest twin." He laughed before driving away. Somehow I knew today would be way better than yesterday but I didn't want to jinx it. A few moments later awkwardness took over the car but it sounded so peaceful that I ended up falling asleep. A while later I woke up to see Grayson sleeping as well. Looking over at him I gently shook his shoulder to wake him up. When I see him waking up I couldn't help but apologize.

"Sorry about that. I didn't mean to sleep on the whole ride here I'm just really tired." I said with a slight sadness in my voice.

"Hey hey it's okay. We both got some sleep which is good for today. Oh and I decided to stop here because snacks are always the best for a car ride. Shall go in?" Nodding to him he got out of the car before going to the passenger side to open the door for me. Smiling I went out and waited for him. As we entered the place I immediately went over to the cookie aisle.

"Vanessa look over here!" Grayson said as he took out his phone and pointed it towards me. Knowing he was going to take a photo I stick a hand in a pocket and smiled at the camera. He walked over to me and showed me the photo which I ended up loving. Wanting to take a photo of him as well we walked around before stopping at the cereal aisle. Making sure no one was there Grayson plopped onto the floor and acted like he was sleeping. Shaking my head I pulled out my phone before snapping a few photo of him. Showing him the photo he complained about how it looked like he had passed out but I just ignored him because people were starting to come.

Once we finished with the errands we headed back to the car and drove to the nearest mall. Entering I tried to look different so people won't recognize me because if they do internet will go crazy. However, I stopped because standing next to Grayson I looked like a crazy person with sunglasses on and hair covering my face. Weird, I know. As we continued walking around I didn't even notice how many hours had passed. When were heading back to the car a fan had noticed Grayson. Before she noticed me I walked ahead so it looked like we weren't together. Leaning against his door I waited for him to show up and when he did he frowned.

"I thought I lost you and kept thinking how I was going to return back their princess."

"Wasn't my fault you took forever and I didn't want your fan to see us together."

With that the day ended. After bidding him goodbye I've noticed the time. It was 11:11 and I just wished everything had stayed like this. Just hanging out with him today had made me forget about what had happened yesterday. 


Grayson POV

After getting home I slowly walked to my bedroom not wanting Ethan to see or else he'll keep asking question on where I was and with who. Sitting on the edge of my bed I took out my phone and looked at the photo I took of her. Even though her smile wasn't the brightest I was happy she smiled on this Christmas day. Spending the day with her made me want to get to know her better. I remember saying I didn't want to get involved with her but I was wrong. I went against my own word.

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graysondolan: I had fun today thank you for accompanying me today. Merry Christmas everyone. 🎄🎄

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Before heading to sleep I wondered if she had uploaded anything as well. Seeing that she had posted something I smiled before drifting off to sleep not think of what is too come. 


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vanessamerrell: Goodnight. 💗

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