Chapter 3: Never Too Old

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The group had woken later than expected, the last being Max at a quarter to eleven. The pull out couch had been surprisingly comfortable, despite Dustin's leg heavily thrown over her while he snored in her ear. She sat up and stretched, only to notice her friends sitting in a circle, speaking in hushed tones.

"What the hell are you guys doing, some creepy prayer circle?" she questioned, unable to see the playing cards in the center.

"No actually," Lucas replies, "we've been playing a quiet game of Rummy since you're deciding to sleep the morning away!"

"Oh, shut up Lucas," Dustin defends, "you only got up 20 minutes ago!"

Max gets up and walks around the circle, peaking at everyone's cards. "Hey!" Will screeches, "don't do that!"

She only lets out a snort before grabbing her bag of toiletries to head into the shower, "El's totally gonna win!"

After a lukewarm shower and El's predicted victory, the teens are packed and waiting at the front desk where the same woman from last night sits, scowling at the pad of paper she was writing on. "Do you know anywhere to get food around here?" Will sweetly asks, dropping the two keys on the desk.

She mutters something about a diner within walking distance, then snatches the keys up before heading into the back room. "Well, she's unpleasant," the small boy whispers causing his friends to laugh.

Bags locked away in the trunk, the teens look both ways before choosing to walk left and are pleasantly surprised when they see a cute diner with several cars parked in the dirt patched parking lot.

"Ha! And whose idea was it to go left," Dustin says with a sense of victory. Max nudges him with her shoulder and he gives her a goofy smile that causes her to giggle.

El and Mike are holding hands a few feet away, the former turning around to shoot a smirk back at her friend, "was that a giggle I just heard?"

The redhead flips her off and they open the door to reveal a checkered patterned floor and a large counter lined with red stools. Off to the side is a blonde haired woman bending down to display the baked goods on the shelves under the register.

She pops up when she hears the bell and notices the six teens, "oh, I'm sorry, good morning! Table for...6?" she asks, taking in the group. Lucas nods politely and she leads them to a round table already covered with the paper menus.

"I'll be back in a few minutes to take your drink orders," the woman, who introduced herself as Annie, informs them.

They plop down and quietly read over the menu, the food decisions consisting of eggs and bacon to pancakes and waffles. "So," Dustin begins, "where are we off to next?"

"Missouri," Lucas says, "it's about a four-hour drive from here."

Dustin rolls his eyes, "oh yes, Missouri, I've just been dying to visit," he says dryly.

"It's not like you can make it all the way to Oklahoma!" Mike says, defending the route he planned, "it'd take like 10 hours to make it there and we've already seen you're a little bitch in the car."

"I'm sure Missouri's not that bad, Dustin," Max interrupts, wanting to silence the arguing boys.

"It's definitely not!" Mike says, "so-"

El, who's sitting next to him, places her hand on top of his and he looks down at her, her big hazel eyes pleading with him to drop it. He lets out a heavy sigh and kisses the side of her head, mumbling an apology.

Apparently, the mumble had been a bit louder than intended because he hears Dustin let out a snort from across the table, "yeah, and I'm the little bitch!"

Luckily, Annie saved the day by coming over with a little notepad and pen in hand, ready to take down orders. A round of waters, orange juice, and chocolate milk along with everyone's food was recorded and she thanked them cheerfully before going to assist the old couple a few tables away.

The distraction had simmered the boys, for now, and Will mentioned the revamping of D&D again. "So have you considered starting the campaigns again?" Dustin and Lucas perked up immediately, wanting to hear any updates.

"I don't know," Mike said with a shrug, "we're about to be seniors, would you all actually want to start again?"

Mike had never really considered the game to be nerdy; or, more so, he didn't care enough to think about if it was or not. All he knew was those Saturday and Sunday nights where they stayed up absurdly late and ate boxes of cold pizza was what got him through the long, torturous weeks of middle school. But, now, they were going to be seniors in high school and they had girlfriends and part-time jobs and cars - could they really still play their fantasy game full of wizards and magic?

"Yes!" Will says eagerly, "what about you guys?" he asks, gesturing towards Lucas and Dustin.

"Fuck yeah," Lucas says as Dustin gives them a 'duh' look.

"Guys," he says, "this is the only time we'll really have to play," the curly-haired boy insists, " college is gonna to start before we know it and who knows what kind of time we'll have. That shit is fun and we should make it last!"

Mike lets out a cackle, nodding his head. "You're right! Who said just because you're older doesn't mean you can't play D&D," he says, shaking his head at his silly ageist thoughts, "all in favor of the revamping, say I."

A chorus of "I's" is heard around the table, even El and Max in support of the idea.

While they never really learned how to play, it seeming all too complicated, they always got their best girl time on the other side of the Wheeler's basement. It was a good balance of much needed stereotypical gossiping and makeovers while also hanging out with the boys to watch a movie and sleepover.

"Alright," Mike declared, "I'll start the first campaign when we get back to Hawkins!" Childlike cheers erupted from the table and it was at that moment Annie and another waitress came over with the food, "wow! You guys must be starved!" the old woman laughs out, "enjoy!"

20 minutes later, crumb-filled plates surround the vacant table and the bill is paid, everyone hovering around the entrance. "You idiots go to the bathroom and I'll run up to get the car," Lucas informs his friends before exiting the diner.

El waited outside, leaning against the side of the building in a daze of thoughts. She's wearing a blank stare when her lanky boyfriend appears in front of her, looking down at her with a smirk, "you okay?"

She pokes him in the stomach, "are you okay?" she asked back mockingly.

He playfully rolls his eyes before resting his side on the building, his head perched and facing her, "think you'll learn how to play D&D now?"

With a shrug, she purses her lips to the side, "I don't know, probably not," she says, "me and Max like the break from you boys."

He lets out a chuckle and nods in understanding, "fair enough," he mumbles, his eyes dropping to her lips.

She catches it and smirks before leaning up to kiss him sweetly. He leans down further to deepen the kiss, running his tongue along her bottom lip. A loud beep of a car horn breaks them apart and they're met with a smirking Lucas, whose head is out the window.

"Who knew nerdy little Mike Wheeler would one day be making out on the side of a building?"

Will, Dustin, and Max were out the door and laughing along at their blushing friends, who quickly claimed the 3rd row in the van. Max plops down in one of the 2nd-row seats while the two boys, yet again, fight for the front seat.

Unfortunately, Dustin had won after a promise to not fuck around while dealing with the map.

"Guys, I got this," he insists. Lucas looks at him doubtfully before pulling off and heading south, windows down with AC/DC blaring out of the scratchy speakers.

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