Chapter 12: Bonfire

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The party slept the morning away, Mike being the last to finally wake at noon. There was a unanimous decision to head straight to the beach, everyone throwing on their bathing suits and grabbing a big bag full of towels and sunscreen.

The walk to the beach took less than ten minutes, the hot sand covered in other people's sheets and umbrellas, boomboxes blaring rock music into the humid California air. Within the two-minutes the boys removed their shirts, the bickering began.

"I'm just saying Lucas," Dustin defends as he spreads out his towel, "you worked out during basketball, I sat in bed eating chips and I'm somehow the hotter one."

The darker boy throws him a look of disbelief, looking down at Dustin's stomach to his own muscular abs and then back at his friend, "you're actually delusional, I can't believe it!"

"Max! El! Who's hotter?"

"You can't ask either of them!" Lucas interjects, "Max bangs you and El wouldn't say shit because she's been in love with Mike since she was a fetus."

"Twelve actually," El adds, matter-of-factly. Mike gives her a sly smile before leaning into his bag to take out his sunscreen. The brunette plops down in front of him, shimming all the way back til she's hitting the back of his lanky crossed legs. "Can you do my back for me?"

"I think I can manage that," he quips, squirting a glob of lotion into his hands.

He puts a tad of it on her shoulders, El's upper body tensing at the coldness on her hot skin. Mike's hands gently massage it in, moving down to her shoulders and back. He squeezes more lotion onto his hands, skimming across her lower back and she feels his thumb ever so slightly dip into the waistline of her red bathing suit. She jumps slightly and elbows his thigh, "stop it!" she whisper-yells causing him to chuckle.

Um yes, hello you two," Dustin interrupts, "instead of, gee I don't know, the most disturbing sexual display of putting on sunscreen, can you pay attention to this riveting debate!"

"There's nothing to debate, I'm hotter!" Lucas challenges.

"We're all hot because it's 80 degrees out! Can we please just go in the ocean!" Will begs excitedly.

"I'm with him! Let's go!" Max says.

The two sprint the short distance to the ocean, running straight into the water until it hits their waists. "Oh, my god!" Will shrieks, getting even louder when the redhead next to him splashes him, "Max!"

"Alright, I have an idea!" Lucas says, "Mike, El, you two go in the ocean also and then all of you turn towards us."

"Oh god," the former mumbles causing his girlfriend is let out a giggle.

"Just do it, Michael!"

Mike and El walk down to the ocean together, watching Max and Will splash each other in the water. "You ready? It's probably freezing."

El shoots her boyfriend a challenging look before taking off, meeting her two friends in the waist-deep water. Mike, on the other hand, basically tiptoes in causing his two friends a few yards back to shout at him.

"Just get in there you pussy!" He flips them off from behind, finally being brave and sprinting towards his Max, El, and Will. They all turn around expectantly, throwing a thumbs up to their two friends back on shore.

"This is gonna be a shitshow," Max predicts - and she was correct.

The boys' genius idea was to run side by side into the ocean, but what made it so strange was that it looked like they were doing it in slow motion. Mike and Will could barely stand up straight, uncontrollably laughing while watching Lucas eyeball girls they run (could you even call it that?) past and Dustin owns his flabby shirtless-ness.

Road Trip 1988 - Stranger Things Fanfictionजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें