Chapter 4: Missouri

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A/N: I'm not sure if anyone noticed or if it was happening to others, but Wattpad was being so crazy yesterday! It erased the last chapter several times so some of your votes and comments are gone, but I hope you enjoyed it nonetheless! Here's the next! :)


"Oh yeah, you fucking got this!" Lucas yells to the boy beside him.

The car was hot and sticky, everyone slightly flustered 3 hours into the ride. They had been lost for almost 45 minutes, figuring they were supposed to be on some sort of highway but instead going around in circles surrounded by trees and houses that were acres apart.

"Guys, I swear, it's just a scenic route."

With a loud groan, Lucas pulls off to the side and throws the car in park, clicking his hazards on. He sharply turns to face his curly-haired friend who's wearing a sheepish smile on his face, "I'm gonna fucking kill you," Lucas says, causing Mike to snort in the back his intense tone.

"I'm fucking sorry, okay! Thriller came on and it threw me off! You know that's my favorite song!" The stressed driver throws his head into his hands, already regretting being the main navigator of this trip.

"Will," he says, "get up here, please!"

Max sees Dustin is about to interject and she gives him a stern look before he sighs, admitting defeat. He clumsily moves to the middle row and stands towards Max's feet, letting Will slip past him and hop into the passenger's seat.

"Well, babe, you tried," the redhead says sarcastically, "only the second day and we're lost."

He turns his head towards his wise-ass girlfriend, giving her a blank stare that causes her to chuckle.

"Ugh, stop laughing!" He complains, "he'll never let me go up there again!"

"Damn right!" Lucas exclaims, looking over at the map with Will.

Always the positive peace-keeper, Will assures him they only missed one turn 15 miles back. Throwing one last annoyed glare at Dustin, Lucas puts the car in drive and goes the way directed by his trusty co-pilot.

Out of nowhere, El speaks up, "can anyone name all of the 50 states?"

The couple in front looks at her, confused, while Mike bites his lip to hide his smile at her adorable randomness. They've all realized she does that a lot; remains quiet and sits with her thoughts until she just blurts them out, catching everyone by surprise.

"Of course I can, El" Dustin brags, "I know what xigua's are, I'm very smart."

Rolling his eyes, Mike beings from the top, "Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Connecticut,"

"WRONG!" Max interrupts, "you forgot Colorado."

Mike rethinks the states he went through before realizing his error, "fuck," he grumbles.

"What a rookie mistake," Dustin barks out, "Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Kan-"

"Oh, my god, Dustin," El interjects, "how do you manage to forget Indiana!" Max and Mike laugh at the horrified expression on his face.

In the end, it's Max who's able to name all of the 50 states in order; in fact, she did it alarmingly fast.

They're back on the highway and Lucas's mood had improved vastly, now all of them singing along to the radio. A passing sign for Waffle House halts Max's singing and causes her to jump out of her seat and lower the music,"oh my gosh! Sit down, Max!" Will says, like a frantic mother.

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