Chapter 9: Arizona

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To say breakfast was awkward the next morning was a severe understatement. Lucy was aware that something had happened between Dustin and Max and her brother, but she had been hesitant to push for details.

The party had come down together a little before ten, all taking spots on the other side of the long kitchen table. Sean looked up and assessed them all, about to open his mouth to say something before his mom peeked her head out from the dining room.

"Oh, hello everyone you're up!" she said cheerfully, hair and makeup fully did, "I made chocolate chip pancakes and pumpkin muffins so please help yourself!"

The amount and set up definitely could have rivaled her sister's, just as aesthetically pleasing as it was tasty.

Dustin had his plate stacked with three pancakes and two muffins, plopping down next to Max and Will. He woke up feeling much lighter and happier, though he was hoping they would leave right after they devoured their breakfast.

"I can't believe we have another 7 hours today," Dustin groaned, "maybe Lucas will let me drive!"

"Definitely not," Max giggled, "he'd let El drive before you and she doesn't even have her license."

Sean watched the couple talk, still burned from his intense embarrassment last night. Will noticed his sneerful looks and raised his eyebrow at him questioningly. The smaller boy was never one to be confrontational, but he'd gotten bad feelings about this guy from the start. Sean just shrugged him off, as if Will's glare didn't affect him in any way because he was small and skinny.

"What are you looking at?" the brunette finally asked, squinting his eyes at Will.

Will felt his heart drop and his hands shake but stood his ground. "Stop looking at them like that," he said firmly.

Sean's eyes only grew darker, before he licked his lip and smirked. Max had been watching them the entire time and certainly didn't miss Sean mouth a short one-syllable slur.

Food long forgotten, she shot off her chair, rounded the table, and punched the side of his face. Sean toppled over, plates clattering and causing everyone else to rush in from the other room.

"What the fuck, you crazy bitch!" he said, holding his cheek.

Susan's face turned red and she pulled her son up roughly by his t-shirt. "How dare you! Apologize to that young lady right now!"

Sean just stared at everyone's confused and shocked expression, his cousin and his three friends looking ready to kill him for calling their friend a bitch. Everyone heard a short mumbled, "sorry," before he walked out and slammed the back door to the porch.

"Max, I'm so so sorry!" the kind woman said, embarrassed, "we don't know what's gotten into him lately!"

Max shook her head, "it's okay, not your fault," she reassured before sitting back in between Dustin and Will.

"Oh, my god! Leave it to that idiot to ruin our fun breakfast!" Lucy exclaimed, causing the slight tension to ease.

"It's okay," El said, unsure again about what happened but feeling pride in Max nonetheless.

Sean didn't return for any more pancakes or muffins, the breakfast being finished with friendly conversation and funny stories.

"You should've seen him, El," Susan cooed, "he was the cutest baby I've ever seen, even though he peed on me!"

Mike hid his face in his hands while his girlfriend and friends burst out into laughter at the embarrassing story.

It was noon when everyone thanked and hugged the two girls goodbye, grabbing their bags from upstairs and going out to the minivan. Lucas just put the car in reverse when Sean made his way to the front porch, watching them leave.

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