Chapter 13: Palm Trees and Flowers

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The teens in the ocean all watch as Lucas and Maria stroll down the beach, far enough until they're out of a sight in the darkness. Max and El could barely contain their squeals and thought the other lost control when a high-pitched voice pierced the air, "they are so cute!"

The two girls turned around only to see Kelly jumping up and down, water sloshing all around her and splashing her unamused boyfriend.

"Girls, she would honestly kill me if she knew I was saying this but she totally likes him!"

Justin splashed the blonde in the face, "Kel, what the hell! You can't just tell them that!"

"Oh fuck off Dr. Seuss, they know their friend likes her too, right?" El only smirks, leaving Max to spill the beans.

"Are you kidding? Of course, he does! He put on a nice outfit and everything!"

The three girls giggle, feeling excitement rise at the idea of their two friends blossoming romance.

"Well, we obviously have to hang out every day now, this is gonna be so much fun! How long are you guys here?"

Mike shrugs, "we planned to stay for about a week or so."


Kelly and Max, the tipsier of the group, started making extravagant date ideas while El and Mike swam a few feet away from the group.

"I like them," El said quietly.

Despite being friendly and kind, the brunette always felt like she struggled with new people; she truly blames it on, not only the first twelve years of her life but, the first two weeks of high school. El Hopper was the pretty, new mysterious girl who the Chief just adopted so that surely stirred up the gossip and curiosity in a small town high school.

Everyone had tried to befriend her at some point, inviting her to be their lab partner or to sit at their lunch table; but she'd always politely decline and seek the company of her friends. The older she got, the more open she was to making acquaintances but still felt most comfortable with her boys and Max.

"Me too, they're cool," Mike mumbled. A breeze rushed through the air and El let out a tiny squeal, rushing into her boyfriend's chest. He let out a soft laugh and rubbed his wet hand over her shoulder, feeling her shiver against him. "Wanna get out?"

She nodded her head quickly, giggling when he, in such an uncharacteristically smooth way, flipped her over his shoulder and ran to shore. "Mike!"

The splashes of water and girlish squeal caught the attention of the other teens, laughing as they saw the lanky boy run passed them with El's little feet kicking his back. Everyone watched the couple with goofy smiles before a deep voice rang through the air.

"I ship them."

Max, Dustin, Will, Justin, and Kelly all turned to see a deadly serious Ryan before bursting out into laughter.

"I was not expecting that!" Dustin says, him and Max leaning on one another for warmth and support through their laughing fit. Ryan only smirks and lets out a shrug before everyone decides to join the couple, the chilly night air forcing them out of the ocean.

The fire is still going and everyone huddles around, warming their hands while they learn more about each other. Ryan and Justin jokingly informed them they were ex-rockstars, having formed a band the summer of tenth grade. Though Sunny Boyz broke up once school started, the two were still passionate about music: Ryan on bass and Justin on guitar.

" I wish you brought it!" Will says, "that'd be such a true bonfire experience."

The boy next to him just lets out a laugh, nudging him with his shoulder, "maybe next time."

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