Chapter I - Invisible Family

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My eyes snapped open to the now familiar blackness. I was panting and my brown hair clung to my sweaty forehead. I thought back to my nightmare, well not really a nightmare, but a memory. It had been 6 years since the incident. 6 years of darkness.

"Tsuna?" Giotto-jiji called, snapping me out of my daze. Turning my head towards his voice I saw the familiar beautiful orange aura. Well I'm not really seeing the aura as my eyes are completely useless. It's more like I am seeing the aura in my mind. My mind's eye. I don't really know how to explain it, but I am grateful for this ability nonetheless. Although I sometimes wish I could see what he really looked like instead of just an orange silhouette. Over the years I had learned that everyone had an aura of 1 of 7 colors. Red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, or violet. Some even have flecks of one or two other colors in their aura, but I had only ever seen that two times. I also learned that everyone releases a different energy of sorts. That was how I learned to tell people apart, know their emotions, even be able to tell if they're lying.

"I'm alright, just a nightmare." I replied hoping to reassure my overprotective mother hen of a great great great however many greats grandfather. Giotto nodded slowly before leaving, probably to tell the others I was awake. I got up and got ready quickly before everyone crowded into my room. So far the only ones that know I'm blind are the ghosts and Kaa-san. When she found out she freaked and started crying. Once she stopped crying she went to the kitchen and got a big kitchen knife and began to whisper about how she would make "the fools who dared hurt her precious Tsu-kun" suffer. It took a lot of hugs and pleading to get her to stop. For a while she wanted to take me to the hospital to get help, but I knew it would be no use. Knuckle-oji had tried and had no luck in repairing the damage, so I knew I was out of luck in that department.

Not a moment after I finished getting dressed did the familiar energies and auras enter the room. I can sense all the energies in about a twenty foot radius. If I concentrate I can focus on one aura/energy from about 40 feet away.

"YO TSUNA!! HOW ARE YOU THIS MORNING TO THE MAXIMUM!!?" Knuckle-oji's bright yellow aura shouted causing my sensitive ears to ring.

"Idiot! You're gonna hurt Tsuna's ears with your shouting!" G-oji's flaming red aura scolded Knuckle and then punched him. I heard Knuckle-oji grumble a bit before getting up off my floor. I sensed a certain cool violet aura begin to get annoyed and decided to step in.

"I'm fine, but could one of you tell me what time it is?" I asked breaking the slowly rising tension.

"Nufufufu, it's 8:15, Tsunayoshi-kun." Daemon-oji answered.

"Hieee! I'm gonna be late. If I don't hurry Hibari-san will bite me to death!" I grabbed my bag and dashed downstairs and out the door, Giotto-jiji following right behind me. I guess it was his turn to come with me today.

I managed to get to my seat right as the bell rang. I slumped down and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Tsuna, I almost forgot, last night Nono announced you would become Vongola Decimo. He sent Reborn to tutor you. He should arrive by tomorrow." I subtly nodded my head and began to process the information. I had long since learned about Vongola and how I would become Decimo from Giotto. He taught me Italian and helped me with my academics and English as well. He also taught me how to fight with my flames which I seemed to have unlocked after the Incident. The others wanted and tried to help as well, but it didn't work out for obvious reasons. (G over complicated everything with his long explanations and equations, Knuckle's shouting, Lampo had no motivation, Asari's explanations made no sense, Daemon was just to creepy, and Alaude just stared/glared the entire time) Through the years I also learned how to use my hyper intuition to sense where inanimate objects were like walls and such. Anything living I could sense since they release their own energy, and have a white aura. Thanks to all of this training I have been able to keep my blindness a secret. Not to mention my Hyper Intuition has helped me avoid bullies since It alerts me to any danger. Although avoiding all bullying is impossible.

"Dame-Tsuna!" Like during class. I looked up at the weak indigo aura that was Nezu-sensei.

"H-Hai?" I stuttered, pretending to be scared. I keep up this act so no one grows suspicious, it wouldn't do to have anyone find out any of my secrets.

"Answer the problem on the board!" I wanted to say 'how can I? I'm blind!' But bit my tongue after all they didn't know.

"I-I'm sorry I can't." I bowed my head as the class laughed. I felt Giotto's comforting hand rest on my shoulder.

"Of course you can't, you're Dame-Tsuna after all!" Sending the class through another round of laughter. I didn't pay attention the rest of class and instead opted to listen to Giotto-jiji ramble about how mean G was and how he took his cake and yada yada yada. School dragged on forever like normal and when the bell finally sounded I nearly ran out of the classroom. I could hear Giotto muffling his laughter next to me as I speed-walked down hallways I sensed were safe and out the front gate. I didn't stop until I reached home.

"Tadaima!" I called out into the blackness as the opened the front door.

"Okari Tsu-kun! Dinner will be at 6:00 it's 3:30 now so why don't you do your homework in the meantime. Also your book arrived this morning, I put it on your bed for you."

I smiled at her warm orange aura, "Thank you!" I called before running up the stairs to my room. Walking over to my bed I picked up the book. I ran my finger along the spine and read 'Hamlet by Shakespeare' in Braille. We were reading the play in English class and since I can't read Giotto reads from my printed class copy for me and sometime G and Asari do as well, but they aren't with me at school every day so I fall behind. Now that I have my own copy I hoped to be able to catch up and maybe enjoy it for myself. Plopping down on my bed I opened the book and ran my fingers along the pages and read. I lost track of time and before I knew it I had finished and was being called down for dinner. I let out a sigh as I thought back to what I had just read. It was a tragedy. Setting the book aside on my bed I got up and made my way downstairs.

When Kaa-san sat down across from me I opened my mouth to speak, " Giotto-oji said that Nono has announced me becoming Vongola Decimo and has sent the Sun Arcobaleno to tutor me." I announced.

Her energy fluctuated slightly telling me my words surprised her slightly. "So it's happening." Her voice sounded both sad and worried.

"Don't worry, I'll be okay." I reassured her while smiling, "although I do think that you should pretend that you don't know about Vongola, Giotto and the others. After all you're supposed to be a civilian. And as normal, please don't tell anyone about my blindness." Her aura nodded in understanding and the conversation was dropped and we ate our dinner in silence, committing this time to memory. After all it would probably be the last dinner we have just the two of us where we are able to speak freely for a long time.

(A/N: Tsuna told Nana everything about Vongola and the Ghosts since he learned his lesson about keeping secrets from her after she found out he was blind. Although he was a bit hesitant to tell her about the ghosts, he did so anyways. It took her about a week to stop looking over her shoulder thinking she might see one of them, but eventually gave up and just accepted their presence)

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