Chapter V - The Rain's Tears

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It had been almost two weeks since Gokudera learned of my blindness. Thanks to having a friend around school has become much more bearable. I always can look forward to being greeted happily as soon as I walk into the classroom. At the moment I was sitting in class pretending to listen to Nezu-sensei's lecture about different basic algebraic formulas. I didn't pay to much attention though since Giotto-jiji had already taught me these formulas. In fact I was already at an eleventh grade level. I was just that Kaa-san and I were the only living people who knew that. At the moment I was actually watching Lampo standing on Miyura-san's desk while demanding that everyone give him candy seeming to have forgotten that I was the only one who could see him.

I watched him amused until "Sawada!" I was slightly surprised at the teacher's shout since I hadn't been paying attention. "Pay attention! You need to know these! Now answer this question on the board!" I sensed Gokudera's energy spike with anger. I sent him a look that hopefully showed him to calm down.

"I'm sorry sir, I can't" I looked down in pretend shame. There was nothing for me to actually feel ashamed about. Blindness isn't something I can help. I learned that a long time ago.

"Of course you can't so pay attention, Dame-Tsuna!"

"Oi! Meanie head stop bullying Tsuna!" Lampo shouted while trying to punch Nezu-sensei only to faze right through him which caused him to lose his balance and fall through the floor. I bit my lip to stop myself from laughing. I instantly collected myself when I sensed the teacher's glare.

"H-Hai!" I spent the rest of the day pretending to watch the board. It was rather boring. Lunch couldn't come soon enough.

Finally, after what felt like three days of waiting, the bell signalling the start of lunch rang. Grabbing my bento I walked up to the roof with Gokudera and Lampo who skipped ahead of us. No one ever went up there since Hibari Kyoya tended to be occupying one of the rooftops during the lunch break. I, thankfully, with the help of my Hyper Intuition, was able to sense which one of the roofs was safe. Pushing the roof access door open I sighed at the warm feeling of the sunlight hitting my skin.

"How dare that Nezu-sensei yell at Jyuudaime like that! I should have blown him up when I had the chance." I heard Gokudera grumble under his breath along with a slur of curses as he sat down and opened up his bento.

"It's alright Gokudera. It's not like he knows I'm blind. I have worked very hard to make sure of that. His insults should be taken as a compliment to my ability to hide my disability." I tried to reason,

"If that's what Jyuudaime says. Still, I don't like the disrespectful way he was talking to you."

"I have to agree with explosion guy on this. That Nezu guy was completely out of line." I was about to open my mouth to continue the conversation when my HI began ringing. Standing up I tried to sense the reason for the sudden warning. That was when I heard the sound of a baseball bat hitting a ball. Following it I walked over to the chain link fence. I already had a feeling as to who was using the baseball bat even if they were to far away for me to see their aura. Closing my eyes I focused in order to try and sense the energy the person was releasing. Anger, Stress, Disappointment, Depression, Self Loathing. To name a few of the emotions his energy was practically screaming. My heart sank when the energy confirmed my suspicions as to the identity of the baseball player. Yamamoto Takeshi. My rain guardian.


"Jyuudaime? Is something wrong?"

"No, I need to go to the restroom. I'll be back in a minute." I immediately went to the door and as soon as I was out of sight I began running down the steps still being careful to count as I went down so I wouldn't fall. Once I made it to the ground floor I ran out through the front door running directly towards the baseball fields.

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