Chapter VII - The Lightning Strikes

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As what was becoming a normal occurance, my HI woke me up. Reborn was once again raising a 10 ton mallet over his head ready to wake me up the good old fashioned Vongola Style. What a kind person he is. As he brought down the mallet I turned to my side letting the mallet hit my pillow where my head had been resting moments before. The arcobaleno let out a 'tch.' before Leon morphed back into his original form. Sitting up I gave the hitman a smile.

"Ohayo Reborn."

"Ohayo Dame-Tsuna. Get up it's almost 8:30." Detecting no lies I felt the blood drain from my face.

"HIEEEEE!!!" I shrieked only to receive a kick to the face.

"A mafia boss doesn't shriek." Ignoring him I jumped out of bed and began throwing clothes on before realization hit me.

"Wait, today is Saturday." As I processed this my face slowly formed a glare which I directed at Reborn

"What's with that look, Dame-Tsuna?"

Hearing the tone of his voice I quickly wiped away my glare, "So, why did you wake me up?"

"Tor-tutoring," he slipped up on purpose. He gestured towards my desk so I sat down. I resigned myself for the torture I knew I was about to experience as I sat down. "Alright I will read off a problem you have 30 seconds to answer it if not..." I winced slightly already knowing that the punishment would be painful.

We continued like this for the next thirty minutes and so far I have been blown up by dynamite five times. As Reborn was reading off another question a lightning aura entered my range. It climbed the tree outside and when he got the the top my HI began ringing.

"Ano, Reborn, there is a child in the tree.

"Focus on the problem, Dame-Tsuna." Reborn instructed completely ignoring the child. The child looked like he was trying to shoot something. I heard a shot and Reborn raised his hand wacking whatever was shot back at the shooter. There was an explosion and the Lightning disappeared out of my sensing range. I closed my eyes and concentrated and found them on the ground. They got up and went to the door. Kaa-san opened it and the green aura ran in unnoticed. I watched the small aura run up the stairs until it was right outside of my room. He stood there for a moment to prepare himself.

I felt a familiar tug causing my eyes to widen. This child was my lightning guardian! He's just a kid I can't drag him into this dark world! Then again, I focused on his energy, it was wavering and unstable. Unsure, lonely, desperate for love and affection. It was the type of energy I would sense from a victim of neglect. I didn't want to involve him in my dark world, but at the same time I couldn't send him away. Stealing my resolve I got up from my desk and walked towards my bedroom door. Reborn seemed tempted to kick me in the head, but at the same time was interested in what I was doing. Seeming to decide to wait and watch, he sat quietly. The bedroom door swung open and in jumped the little lightning.

"GYAHAHA!!! Prepare yourself Reborn! The Great Lambo-sama have returned to destroy you!!!" The child now known as Lambo didn't notice me right away so I crouched down and scooped him up into my arms. I let the feeling of my Sky flames embrace him in the process causing my eyes to glow orange. The young lightning tilted his head back to look at me. I smiled gently as I sensed his energy calm into a peaceful comfort; the previous insecurities and sorrow disappearing completely even if just for this moment.

"Hello there little one," I whispered, but seemed to ring out in the silent room. As if snapping out of a trance the child's energy became flooded with relief and happiness. I heard sniffles seconds before the tiny green aura clung to me and began sobbing. Hushing him I cradled him in my arms and whispered sweet nothings into his ear. I ran one of my hands through his curly hair which was most definitely an afro, although I stopped when I found what felt like a grenade instead opting to rub his back. What had my little lightning been through? After the passing of unknown minutes the sobbing quieted down into sniffles once more. Slowly, Lambo pulled away.

Once I knew he was looking up at me I smiled gently at him, "Hello Lambo-chan, my name is Tsunayoshi, but you can call me Tsuna."

"Tsuna-nii," his voice was raspy and quiet, a striking difference from the hyperactive kid he was acting like just a little bit before. My smile widened when I processed what he had said and nodded my head.

"Un, I'll be your Tsuna-nii." I really wished I could see right now. I was absolutely sure that Lambo was giving me the biggest brightest smile ever. It almost hurt not being able to see it. "Now, why don't we go downstairs and get you something to drink. How about a glass of milk? Kaa-san baked some chocolate chip cookies last night so I can give you some to go with it. Would you like that?" I received an happy nod in return. Remembering my Spartan torturer I mean tutor I turned around. "Is that alright with you Reborn? I'll be back in ten minutes to finish up your quizzing." Looking at the sun I waited for his answer.

"Ten minutes Dame-Tsuna. If you are a second late I'll triple your training for tonight." I paled slightly at the threat, but nodded my head and walked out the door anyways. Entering the kitchen I set Lambo down on the counter. As I opened the fridge to pull out the milk a second green aura entered the room. The aura approached my little lightning and spoke.

"It's heartbreaking to see how broken my descendent is and he's just a child," Lampo's energy was filled with sorrow for the 5 year old. I agreed wholeheartedly. Taking out two glasses I filled them with milk. Handing one glass to the quiet child I turned around and put a few cookies on a plate. I hopped up onto the counter next to my new little brother and place the cookies between us.

"Help yourself," I smiled before grabbing a cookie dipping it into my milk before biting into it. Lambo hesitated for a second before grabbing one, humming happily as he ate allowing his legs to swing back and forth off the counter. Leaning against back on my hands I smiled happily as I felt the familiar clang in my chest. Like a piece of a puzzle snapping into place. Welcome home my little lightning.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2018 ⏰

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