Chapter III - The Storm's arrival

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"I awoke to the familiar buzzing of my HI, but sensing the danger was coming from Reborn I didn't respond. Through my mind's eye, as I call my weird sight, I saw Leon transform into a giant white hammer. The yellow aura quickly raised it up above his head. It took a lot of effort not to tense up at the realization of his intentions. A second later he swung the giant hammer down on my head.

"ITEI!!!" I cried out flinging myself upright.

"Wake up Dame-Tsuna. Or you're going to be late." I heard the now familiar sound of Reborn cocking his Leon gun. Out of fear for my life I got up and dressed at record speed before running downstairs. I grabbed a slice of toast before running out the door. I saw Reborn jump onto my head, probably trying to surprise me.

"W-What are you doing Reborn?" I stuttered slightly.

"A mafia boss doesn't stutter."

"I ALREADY TOLD YOU I'M NOT BECOMING A MAFIA BOSS!!!" I shouted while flailing my arms. Well actually Giotto convinced me around 4 years ago to become Decimo and carry on his will. But then again I technically wouldn't be a mafia boss but the boss of a vigilante group...if I succeeded.

I could tell by the change in Reborn's energy that he was about to say something, or torture me, but we were interrupted. "Tsuna-kun?"

Turning to face the calm yellow aura that approached I smiled, "Ah, Kyoko-chan, ohayo."

"Morning, and who is this little guy?" She turned to the sun arcobaleno who was now standing on a wall.

"Hahi!? A baby!" A new voice and energetic red aura entered the vicinity. "Is he your younger brother?" The girl asked.

"No-" I was cut off by a sadistic baby.

"I'm the world's greatest hitman Reborn!" He announced to Kyoko.

"Hitman?" The storm girl asked.

"Hai." This baby is trying to get me in trouble.

I sensed the unnamed girl about to say something, but Kyoko once again interrupted and saved me. " Oh look at the time, I need to get going or I'll be late." She announced before walking away.

"Hahi! Haru needs to go to or she will be late!" The newly dubbed Haru exclaimed before running away as well leaving me alone with my Spartan tutor.

"Do you have a crush on that Kyoko girl?" His tone held a small but scary amount of mischievousness.

"No." I stated both bluntly and truthfully.

"Really?" If I could see, he would probably be giving me one of those one eyebrow raised looks.

"Yeah, she may be the school idol, but I'm not interested in looks." Duh, "I prefer getting to know someone before I determine whether or not I like them."

"Wise words. Maybe you're not as hopeless as I thought." I raised an eyebrow at him as he jumped back on my head.

"Was that a complement Reborn?" I asked as I began walking towards school.

"I said maybe." I chuckled a little earning me yet another kick in the head, I swear by the time I become Vongola Decimo I'll have some serious brain damage from all these sadist's kicks. When I arrived at school I didn't 'see' Hibari-san's aura meaning he was probably off biting some poor "herbivore" to death.

I arrived in the classroom with about five minutes to spare and saw Alaude waiting. He nodded in approval. Smiling at my accomplishment I happily sat down in my seat and waited for the teacher. Exactly five minutes later the classroom door slid open and the self proclaimed elite stepped inside.

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