Chapter II - The Sun Arcobaleno, Reborn

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(A/N: Sorry this update is a little late I've been sick. I hope you all like this chapter! )

When I woke up this morning my Hyper Intuition immediately buzzed telling me that He was here. I focused on finding his aura and located his burning yellow aura standing on a tree in the yard. I didn't think he would be making his presence known until later so I got up and dressed while also hiding all my Braille books in a hole in the wall hidden behind my desk. Giotto then floated into the room, so I turned to face him.

"So, are you going to tell him about your blindness and abilities or will you keep it a secret?" He asked.

"I'll keep it a secret, but if he can gain my full trust I will tell him. The same will go with the rest of my guardians once I find them." I already knew who two of my guardian were, Hibari Kyoya and Yamamoto Takeshi, but I also knew it wasn't yet time to enter their lives. When I first saw their auras after I lost my sight I felt a small pull towards them in my chest. It wouldn't be until later that I would find out that this meant that they were my cloud and rain guardians. I smiled slightly to myself at the thought of my future family. Those two were so much like Alaude and Asari. Even their auras were alarmingly similar to their ancestor's.

"Just to let you know it's 8:00 now." I nodded and then realized I couldn't sense the others.

"Where's everyone else?"

"Daemon and Alaude got into another fight. Lampo and Asari were both knocked out in the crossfire. Knuckle is healing them right now while G is keeping an eye on them."

"And Daemon and Alaude?" I already had a guess as to what happened and the sadistic aura Primo began to leak only confirmed my suspicions. If I could see he would probably be smiling a smile that could make the Devil run in fear. I'm glad I couldn't see it. "You froze them didn't you." At his nod I sweatdropped. "I think I'll head to school a bit early...bye." I waved before quickly walking down the stairs. I grabbed a piece of toast Kaa-san made me, before walking out the door. It took everything I had not to look at the World's Greatest Hitman that was hiding in the tree as I passed.

About halfway to school G-oji met up with me. I could hear him cursing "that damn melon-head" and "stupid handcuff freak" under his breath causing me to sweatdrop once again. The walk to school was relatively short, although I could see Reborn's aura following us. Once we reached the gates I glanced at Hibari-san and I felt the familiar tugging sensation. It had gotten noticeably stronger, but it still wasn't time which caused me to frown. Before he could notice my 'staring' I continued on into the building.

Nothing to interesting happened in school. Normal classes, normal bullying, normal G cursing at my bullies, the only abnormal thing was the yellow aura that sat outside the window staring at me. That was very hard to ignore. Anyways, when I finally arrived home Kaa-san called me into the kitchen.

"Look Tsu-kun! This flyer arrived in the mail this morning. It says that there is a young handsome tutor willing to tutor you to be the next leader of your generation. Even better he will work for free as long as we provide him with food and a place to stay." We both knew it was Reborn and so we both acted innocent since there was a high probability that he was listening to what we were saying.

"It's a scam." I pretended to dismiss.

"I don't think so and besides I already called he should be here any minute." As soon as she finished speaking there was a knock at the door. "Ah Tsu-kun, that must be him, would you get the door for me?"

"Hai!" I replied before going to the door. Pretending not to notice him I opened the door and looked around, "hello?"

"~Ciaosuu" I 'looked' down at the 'infant' standing in front of me. I also notice a small white aura on his shoulder meaning he had an animal with him. I figured it must have been his lizard partner, Leon.

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