Chapter VI - The Poison Scorpion

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I was surprised when Yamamoto accepted the fact that I was blind so quickly. He even let me paint a picture of him in my head like I did with Gokudera! Although he seemed curious as to how I became blind, he didn't pry when I told him that I wasn't ready. After his failed suicide attempt he seemed to have adopted a go-with-the-flow attitude. Although over the past week Gokudera's anger towards the teachers who yelled at me for not being able to answer a question on the board seemed to rub off on the smiling rain a little. I can tell that he becomes annoyed when I am singled out like that. I can also tell that they wanted to snap at the teachers and tell them that it wasn't my fault that I was blind. The only reason they didn't speak up is because I asked them not to. Other than their occasional bursts of anger from my guardians and Reborn's tortuous tutoring session which had gotten much worse after he found out I could use my flames and didn't inform him everything was rather peaceful. Although I had a feeling something was going to happen soon.

I was walking towards school when a red aura quickly entered my sensory range. I could tell by sound and the position of the silhouette that the person was riding a bike. They stopped a little in front of me and seemed to turn facing me. They threw something at me and having no idea where it was fumbled to catch it. When I managed to get a decent grip on it I realized it was a can. Probably of juice or soda.

"You can keep that." A female voice spoke before continuing on her way. I looked down at the can. I could sense Giotto-jiji's, who had tagged along with me today, apprehension towards the can. My HI told me not to drink it, his, no doubt saying the same. Deciding to listen to it I placed it in my bag before heading to school and throwing it away in a trash can. As I walked to my classroom I thought back to the woman from earlier. It seemed that word had gotten out about me being the Decimo. Giotto-jiji had warned me that assassins may come after me which is one of the reasons he trained me. He wanted to make sure that I could protect myself from threats.

I opened the classroom door to be greeted by bursts of happy energy. "Yo. Tsuna."

"Ohayo-gozaimasu Jyuudaime!"

"Ohayo minna!" I greeted back with a smile before we all headed to our seats. Recently Gokudera and Yamamoto had evicted the person sitting next to me and the person sitting behind them so that they could sit closer to me. I kind of feel bad for the student Gokudera switched places with. The boy's energy was all over the place and I am pretty sure he was traumatized after that.

"Are you excited for third period? The girls are all bring in the cakes they made in Home Ec today." Giotto and I instantly began drooling.

"Cake~" One thing that I inherited from my great great grandfather was our love of cake or sweets in general. Although cake tops the list. If I could see I was pretty sure both my guardians would be sweatdropping. After that the time that dragged on until third period felt like a millennia.

As soon as the bell rang I was out of my seat and out the door with Giotto in three seconds flat. "Cake!!!" I could hear Gokudera and Yamamoto laughing at me from behind as they chased after me.

I threw open the classroom door where we would have to wait for the girls to come with a childishly excited smile. Gokudera and Yamamoto appeared in the room shortly after with the rest of my classmates trickling in slowly behind them. I could tell they were excited but they clearly weren't excited enough. I mean it's cake! After five minutes of torturous waiting I finally heard the sound of the classroom door opening and many auras entered the room.

"We brought the cake!" The girls announced.

Giotto and I threw our arms into the air, "Cake!!" we were about to run up to them when a familiar storm aura appeared in the hallway. Instantly Giotto's and my expression became dark. Yamamoto and Gokudera instantly noticed my change in attitude. Yamamoto asked what was wrong and Gokudera brought out dynamite while looking for an enemy. This feeling that I had. It was one of the worst feelings I had ever felt before. My cake was in danger.

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