Chapter IV - Secrets Revealed

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"You have some explaining to do Dame-Tsuna." Reborn and I had just entered my room when those words came out of the arcobaleno's mouth. I froze along with Primo's family who were all floating around in various parts of my bedroom.

    "What do you mean, Reborn?" I asked feigning ignorance while internally praying to kami that he hadn't figured out what I thought he had. I mean I figured he would figure it out eventually seeing as how he's the world's greatest hitman and all, but I never thought that he would figure out my secret this quickly!

    "In your fight with Gokudera I noticed something rather peculiar. Your reactions to the Dynamite were slow. It was almost like you didn't know where they were." He whispered the last sentence almost as if he were speaking to himself. Still, with the silence that hung in the room, everyone heard it. I sucked in a breath unconsciously at the deductions he was making. He remained silent for a moment before his energy wavered slightly. I could almost picture his eyes widening in realization.

    "Tsuna, are you blind?" I flinched slightly as I felt the weight of his gaze. Unfortunately, that flinch was as good as a verbal confirmation for Reborn. "but how? You seem to function just as well as a person who can see. How do you do it?" His energy expressed disbelief at the new information that he had been given.

    I sighed as I realized I no longer had any choice but to tell him the whole story. Well, maybe I would leave out a few details here and there. I sat at my desk before gesturing for Reborn to take a seat on my bed. "You might as well sit down, this might take a while." The yellow aura that was Reborn seemed to nod before jumping up on my bed. "Well I guess I should start from the beginning. It happened six years ago, when I was seven. I was walking home from school when I was grabbed by two men and knocked unconscious. When I came to I found myself in this abandoned factory. I still remember how the place reeked of alcohol. When the men realized I was awake they called for their boss. He was a blond man with green eyes. I remember the cruel look in his eyes as he looked at me with disgust." I shivered as I thought back to that day. "He said something about a young lion before slamming my head into a wall. I can still almost feel the blood running down the back of my neck." I hugged myself as I slowly relived the experience. I hated remembering that day. "He let go of me and told the two other men to kill me. I don't remember everything after that. Just the pain as they cut me. T-Then one of them got up and...and he walked over to a shelf and grabbed an old plastic container." Tears spilled from my sightless eyes. Reborn remained silent as I tried to collect myself to continue the story. "He came back over and forced my eyes open. I remember his crazed brown eyes before he poured the liquid into them. I-It burned. I thought they were on fire." By now I hunched over and full out sobbing. Giotto and the other ghosts were whispering soothing words of encouragement as I tried to finish my story. "After that I felt this weird sensation. Like a fire was burning inside of me trying to rip its way to the surface yet it didn't hurt. I felt something like a dam inside of me breaking (Nono's seal). I released the strange power. I remember hearing the men's laughs turn to pain filled screams before losing consciousness. When I awoke I couldn't see anything. I was blind, but at the same time I wasn't. It was strange. Like I could sense where everything was. I managed to drag myself out of the building. Even though I couldn't see I had a feeling as to where I needed to go. I don't know how this is possible, but I found my way home. As I made my way home I found that I could see people. Well not really see, but in my mind I could picture where everyone that were nearby were. Since then I have found that everyone has one of these strange auras. The auras only come in specific colors: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet. You have a yellow aura, Kaa-san has an orange aura, and Gokudera-san has a red aura. It is thanks to this that I can tell where everything is. Also, everyone releases this type of energy. It is thanks to this that I can decipher people's emotions and whether or not they are lying. Unfortunately in today's fight I had a hard time keeping up with where all the dynamite were. I had to really concentrate to hear and sense where they were. Then I felt Gokudera-san's energy waver and I knew something was wrong. I heard the dynamite hit the ground around his feet. I wasn't really thinking. I just pushed him out of the way. I didn't want him to get hurt." I finished speaking and Reborn remained silent. I wiped my tears away and took in a shaky breath of air. I tried to stand but a sharp pain in my back caused me to sit back down. These burns were a serious pain in the ass.

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