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Amy's POV

My mother has always told me that people do not meet by accident but they are meant to cross paths for a reason and that reason is fate itself.

"When is your flight?" Shouted my mom from the kitchen room.

"In a few hours, I'm leaving for the airport right now!" I said as I hurried down the stairs.

"Bye bye." Said my little sister waiting by the door for me.

"Bye bye." I exclaimed while I gave her a hug.

~Several hours later~

I got off the plane and headed to the taxi waiting for me.

After I got off the taxi, I walked down the busy street.

Am I really here, in Seoul? I thought to myself.

I took a deep breath of the cold spring day while glancing up at the sky making out images out of the clouds.

Just then I bumped into someone.

"Sorry." We both said at the same time and as I came up from the bow my eyes met with his big golden brown eyes that was full of mystery.

We both turned away out of awkwardness.

He moved to the right as I clumsily moved to the right too and when I moved to the left he accidentally moved to the left also.

We smile and he chuckled a little before he moved to the side to let me pass by.

While I walked passed him, I heard the sound of bells echoing in my ear and I turned to see where the sound was coming from.

I turned back and saw that he was looking back too and our eyes met again.

The voice of someone broke our eye contact. "Ya Jungkook ah where have you been? We've been looking for you." Said the group of guys stand by a nearby convenient store.

"Mmh I'm coming." He shouted while walking towards them.

Before entering the store he stopped and looked backed again to where I was  full of confusion and curiosity to the stranger with such beautiful eyes that makes the bells ring in my heart.

[This is only the second story I've ever written and I'm not that good at it but please like, share, and vote. I will be updating more! Thanks!]

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