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Amy's POV


"Hello, mom did you need something from me?" I questioned her.

"No, sweetheart I was just....."

"Hello, mom? I guess I'll call her back when I get a room to sleep." I said while walking down the ally in the darkening sky.

As I was walking a few gangsters walked up to me...

"Hey girl, what you doing here so late at night? Let me take you someplace nice, ok?" Said one of the three gangsters creepily.

"No thanks." I said firmly.

I tried to walk away and get out of the bad situation when one of the gangsters pulled me towards him and I tried pushing him but he was too strong.

After the several attempts to get away I finally was able to kick the gangster in his private spot and the other gangsters raised their hand to slap me.

I closed my eyes in fear and waited for the worst but I didn't feel the pain and I opened my eyes to see what happened.

A young man with his broad shoulders stood in front of me and was holding the gangster's hand back from hitting me.

"You guys should stop now." He said with is manly voice.

"F*ck off dude! It's none of your business. Why don't you go back home before you get hurt."

"I wouldn't have to do this if you guys didn't cause trouble for anyone." He said angrily.

"Ya guys lets go! Today your gonna get hurt boy!" The gangsters said as they ran towards us.

The young man kicked the first gangster back, punched the second, got pushed back to the wall and punched the third gangster.

In the end the young man won but the gangsters other members heard the ruckus and came out of the abandoned wear house.

"Ya! Wait there, you are going to die!" The other gangster members shouted out madly.

"Run!" The young man said to me as he grabbed my wrist, pulling me towards him.

We ran for a couple of minutes and hid behind some metal crates.

"Are they gone?" I asked him.

"Shhhhh." He said putting his finger on top of my lips to keep me quiet.

One of the gangsters was walking closer to where we were so he pulled me even closer to his chest.

My face blushed as I could hear his heartbeat.


The sounds of the bells again, I thought to myself looking up at him.

He looked down at me too and we both looked away from each other.

" I think they're gone." He said surely.

"Thanks for saving me." I smiled in  relief.

After some time passed, he walked me back to the crowded street.

"Where are you going? I'll take you back just in case they come back." He said kinda awkwardly.

"Ummm.. I'm going to stay at a hotel because I have no place to stay so... I'll just walk to the nearest hotel place. You don't have to take me there but thank you again for earlier and walking me back here." I said carefully trying not to make it obvious that I was terrified going by myself.

"Ok then, bye." He said while walking the opposite way.

I was walking down the street looking for a good hotel to stay in. (Not finding any)

A couple of drunk guys was looking my way and was about to walk over to me but....!

The young man, put his arm around me and pulled me closer to him, making the drunk guys walk away.

"What are you doing in the wrong place, this is the love district ." He said worriedly and in a little bit of an angry tone.

"Sorry, I don't know where I am and can't find a place to stay at all." I said shamefully.

"Good thing I came back to check on you, come with me." He said as he dragged me with him.

We got to a house on the corner of a street and went inside.

"Where are we?" I questioned him.

"My house." He said expressionless.

When we got into the house he poured me something to drink and showed me to my room.

"This is your room, since you're going to stay with me for the time being." He said.

"Thank you very much, how can I ever repay you." I said.

"I'll think about it just a little bit more and by the way my name is Jungkook." He said.

"I'm Amy, please take care of me from now on." I said shyly.

Just as I was about to go into the room my stomach randomly growled.

We both looked at each other eyes wide open and he started laughing.

Ashhh. So embarrassing I thought to myself.

"Do you want to eat ramen with me Amy?" Jungkook asked with a smirk on his face.

Bells of the HeartOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora