Ch. 7

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Jungkook's POV

When I opened my eyes, Amy was sitting next to me in surprise and I saw the hyung's taking pictures of us and laughing. 

I knew Amy was embarrassed so I let her into her room.

"Hyung stop taking pictures!" I said as I forcefully deleted the pictures.

"Yah, Jungkook your still lively ain't you. I thought that you would only love your muscles and passion for music and nobody else but guess I was wrong." Suga hyung said laughing.

When Amy came out of her room I was nervous so I couldn't look at her in the eye.  She made us brunch and we then headed out to play with the hyung's.

The mall was crowded so we decided to go to an amusement park.  When we got there TaeHyung hyung grabbed me out of the group and brought me to a nearby tree.

"Ya, later we are going to leave you with Amy so take your time and go get her alright!"

"Hyung what are you taking about? It's not like that! Maybe....."

"What do you mean it's not like that? We saw both of you this morning! If its not that then what is it between you to?"

Jimin hyung and hoesuk hyung came running to us. "Hurry the hyungs are so useless, Amy's going to find out!"

"No! I'm not going along with this stupidity. Don't you hyung's try anything weird or scare Amy!"

We all headed back to the group and sat done on some benches.

"Hey Amy, could you do oppa a favor?" TaeHyung hyung said while looking at me.

"Sure." Said Amy happily.

She never smile like this to me... I thought to myself.

When I came back to Amy was already gone and I asked the hyung's where she was.

"TaeHyung asked her to go buy us some drinks." Said Namjoon hyung.

"Why did you guys let her go alone?!"
I said somewhat angrily.

"Ok then hyung will go and help her and then maybe she will come to like me more." TaeHyung hyung said with a serious face.

Hyung then started walking towards the food court.

Seeing hyung going to Amy made bells ring in my head like crazy.

"Wait!" I called out. "I'll go, you'll stay here."

The hyung's looked at each other and said "ok.".

I ran towards the food court looking for  Amy.

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