Ch. 6

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Amy's POV

When we got off the bus, we started heading towards the house.  It was getting dark and I couldn't really see where I was going.

I accidentally tripped over the curve while we crossed the street and fell on to Jungkook's back.

He stoped and smiled at me while my face was as red as a tomato.

Suddenly he grabbed my hand and started walking again without saying anything.

While being shy I said," I could walk on my own, it's ok." I then pulled my hand away.

"What do you mean, you could barely see and it's dark too. You might get lost so that's why I'm holding your hand right now." He said and then grabbed my hand again.

We walked hand in hand until we got into the house and let go of our hands in embarrassment.

"What do you want to eat for dinner?" I asked while searching in the refrigerator.

Anything's fine with me. Should I help you? He asked politely.

"No, it's fine. You should go wash up first."

"Alright." He said and walked into the bathroom.

I pulled out the ingredients for making naengmyeon (cold buckwheat noodles), malgeunguk (soup), and kimchi.

After the food was finish cooking I started to set the table.

I tried reaching for the bowls on top of the shelves but I didn't reach them.  Jungkook came out of the room and grabbed the bowls for me and came to help me set up the table.

After we ate, we then sat down on the couch and watched tv.  Jungkook got out his guitar from his room and asked me to request a song.

He singed 'If You' by BigBang and many others to; as well as his own songs. Before I new it, it was already morning.

We spent the night singing and drinking beer that we slept on the couch together.

I was nervous so I stayed really still trying not to wake up Jungkook.  After a couple of minutes passed I looked at his sleeping face and thought that he looked cute and innocent. 

My fingers followed down Jungkook's eyebrows, nose, and then to his lips.  Smiling to myself I heard the sound of clicking and soft laughter.

I shot up and that woke Jungkook too. We stared at each other and then turned around.  The oppa's were standing by the door taking pictures and trying not to laugh.

"Yah, what were you guys doing.  It's almost 10 am why are you guys not up yet?" Namjoon oppa said.

Jungkook and I rose up on to our feet as fast as we could and tried to explain what happened last night but they didn't listen.

"It's ok, you don't need to explain. We already know." Said Jin oppa with a sly face.

Jungkook and I were speechless.
"I'm going to wash up." I said shyly and a little bit of embarrassment.  "Oh, ok." Jungkook said. I quickly went into my room to get ready.

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