•chapter thirteen-downhill• ⚠️TRIGGER WARNING⚠️

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⚠️trigger warning towards the end.⚠️ ⚠️sorry⚠️

morgan hammils lugged herself up one of the steep hills of the derry maine roads.

it was a hot summer day, and practically everyday in summer was hot for derry.

she was sweating, sweat running down her face, causing he mascara to run.

she made her way to the house that she knew as y/n y/l/n's house.

and to her dismay, a familiar car had pulled up before she did.

ashlynn sprouse's car.


ashlynn sprouse walked toward the door, a evil smirk on her face.

"ashlynn... you really want to do this?" nate asked one more time.

"yep." she said perkily, knocking on the door with three, short knocks.

she heard footsteps from the outside.

someone with a semi-swelled stomach opened the door, a familiar brown-haired boy standing right behind her.

"y/n! richie! i have some news, for both of you actually." ashlynn beamed.

"do i know you?... richie, do you know her?"
y/n smiled lightly.

"i-i uh... yes. i know you. ashlynn... hi." he stammered, shocked and surprised.

"so um... richie... are you going to tell y/n about how you got me pregnant or not?" ashlynn grinned evilly.

"what do you mean, ashlynn?" richie became tense.

"rich, is she telling the truth?" y/n asked.

"no i-" he started.

"no! is she telling the damn truth!!!???" she growled, slamming the door.

"y/n, SHE IS NOT TELLING THE TRUTH!" richie yelled.

"how do i know? i wasn't there, rich. for all i know she could be carrying your child right now!" y/n spat.


"get out." y/n stated coldly.

"what? y/n... what are you saying? baby?" richie cooed.

"i said get the fuck out, tozier! leave! go fuck ashlynn or whatever the fuck her name is, just get out of my presence. your really think i'm gonna want you sleeping here after i just found out that you got another girl pregnant? well think again, richie. i've given up my whole future to take care of our child. but how shitty do you think it makes me feel when i found out that you just went ahead and fucked some random girl? makes me feel pretty shitty, rich. as you would think so." y/n spoke.

"y/n? seriously? you're going to throw our whole relationship down the drain, our chances of starting a family of our own, you're gonna throw all of that away because of some stupid girl that comes up to our doorstep and says she's pregnant with my child?" richie asked, on the verge of tears.

"yes. now leave before i call the fucking cops and make you leave. i'm not kidding." y/n said coldly.

"fine." richie responded, and he walked right out of the door, letting the tears stream down his face.

he looked up to see morgan at the top of the hill.

"richie, i... i'm so sorry. i know what happened. i tried to stop her but-" morgan stuttered.

"you didn't try hard enough. and now it cost y/n and i's relationship. thanks." richie barked, making his way to his house that he had for he and y/n.

he ran inside the house and locked the door.

he collapsed on the ground into a crying heap.

he cried for an hour at least, if not more.

he lugged himself up the wooden stairs that led to the bathroom.

he opened the medicine cabinet and pulled out a small package.

he unwrapped the package and delicately took out the small razor blade.

he thought to himself for a second:

i can't do this. i can't leave y/n. we're starting a family very soon!

but he soon remembered. she had kicked him out.

he dressed into a white tee-shirt and grey sweatpants and got into the tub and ran the water.

he didn't like the feeling of sitting in the water, his clothes getting wet.

but soon he wouldn't be feeling anything anymore.

he twisted the razor blade in his hand.

he pressed it to his wrist and slid it across, the blade creating a deep cut.

he winced, but continued to repeat the action, and his arm was soon pouring blood.

he started to breathe heavily, his chest heaving up and down.

he had tears running down his face, and the tub had started to over-flow.

then his world started to turn black.

ya hate me yet?

promise ; richie tozierWhere stories live. Discover now