five years later! (summer of 2000!)

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richard tozier stood on the porch of his house that he shared with his childhood sweetheart, y/n.

his newlywed wife was playing in the front yard with their five year old daughter eden, and thier two year old son named august.

richie was grilling hot dogs and hamburgers on the grill.

he was going to have a cookout with his family and his childhood friends.

ben hanscom.

beverly and bill denbrough. they had a child named maggie denbrough.

eddie kaspbrak.

and stanley uris,

and mike hanlon! they were all coming for a great reunion, and they were all happy and giddy.

(i'm sorry i've tended to stay away from the it fandom so idk if i'm spelling eddie's last name right)

the denbrough's red car pulled up beside the tozier house.

"hi!" beverly squealed as she practically leaped out of the car.

"it feels like i haven't seen you guys in forever!" y/n said as beverly wrapped her into a tight hug.

"you literally saw eachother last week." bill laughed.

"they're girls, they're gonna be like this." mike replied as he got out of the car.

"fuck off, hanlon. you're just giving me more reasons to hate you." y/n joked, and mike laughed.

"guess who's here?" ben said as he got out of his car.

"DON'T FORGET ME YOU IDIOTS!" eddie chimed in.

stanley uris also showed up.

"the gang is all here!" richie exclaimed, and all of them nodded and smiled.

after. a while of talking and eating, all of the adults sat around the campfire while the children were playing with eachother on the grass, and the adults kept a close eye on them just to make sure that their kids didn't do anything stupid or get hurt. you know, just conmon sense for a parent.

"so guys..." beverly spoke up, and the group looked at eachother around the circle.

"yes?" all of the adults replied, and bill coughed.

"well um... i'm pregnant! again!" beverly smiled, and the group cheered.

"congrats, beverly!" ben smiled.

everyone said their congratulations to beverly.

"oh my god, do you remember when we were kids? that thing that killed george? it was a clown, but i saw my dad and bill saw georgie, mike saw a giant crow, richie saw a clown, aka its true form, ben saw a clown and stan saw that creepy bitch from the painting." beverly brought up.

"oh yeah! and i saw some random spider creature. god, i hate those little shits. spiders still scare me to this day, and that thing just made it worse." y/n laughed.

"oh my god, remember the first time YOU became pregnant y/n? that was such a great time, you know. like we got to go shopping and get you new clothes and baby stuff... and you and i became a lot closer." beverly remarked.

"the worst part was when i had to leave for three months. i really wish i could say i was there for you the whole ride, but i can't." richie sighed.

"yes, but you are here now, and you were there most of the way, and that is all that matters to me, rich. forever and always." y/n smiled, lacing her hand with his.

"promise?" richie asked.

"promise." y/n replied.

"so, when is baby number three coming, y/n?" eddie smirked, taking a sip of his wine.

"um..." y/n started, and she burst out laughing.

if you were to ask y/n where she was going to be later in life thirteen years ago, she probably would've said something angsty and emo like 'dead'.

but now she's here with her high school sweetheart, and she could never be happier.

and part of it was owed to that one night that her and richie had spent in that empty bedroom.

but deep down y/n knew that it had been her and richie's compatableness that had held the pair together. because deep down she had promised that she would love no one else.

and deep down richie knew that he would never love no one else.

and that was "promise"!
i hope you guys enjoyed this book so so much. i have made it this far in my journey and you guys are who i have to thank for it. if this is the only book you have read of mine and want to read some more of my writing, you are in luck because i have plenty of other books out right now!
thank you guys so much again for taking the time out of your day to read my silly book. it means the absolute world to me. i appreciate every last one of you.
-tori 💕

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