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The lights glared at me as I walked the streets of mystic falls . the sound of laughter came from the grill as family's and friends came together . changing my direction from the mikealson's to the grill  for the day ahead I could use a drink .
"Megara ,megara hey" the screeching sound of Elena Gilberts voice echoed through my ears
"What do you want gilbert" I sighed as I ordered a vodka tonic .
"To apologise, Damon's been a bit on edge and because you're so close to Rebekah he thought that maybe -" she rambled
"This is a joke isn't it? Or are you seriously trying to pin this on his stress you are so thick" I shouted before downing the rest of my drink and storming out.

"One more time ,come on" he always spoke so formally which is one reason why I hate him so much .
"Are you dumb , I just beat you" I said rolling my eyes .
He threw a punch at me full force like he actually wanted to lucky for me I ducked.
"You're enjoying this " I growled as he looked up from rolling up his sleeves
"Dear megara ,you need to accept you are not strong enough for this, we have been working for and hour and you are still no better" he sighed I felt my anger bubbling in my chest that only meant one thing.  I can control it I always have
"I'll just tell Rebekah you had another change of heart" he smirked he knows I hate him and he knows what he's done
I changed like in no time at all

"That's it come on little doggy" he antagonised more lunging forward using my magic I threw him and held him  against the wall . I lunged forward tearing a chunk out of his arm only then did i instantly calm down

"Elijah I'm so so sorry I didn't, I lost control"  I said five minutes later as he sucked the blood from my arm to heal his wound . when he was done he still looked a bit delirious  like he was gonna hurl
"Get away from me if you're gonna throw up" I said backing off . I can't let anything liquid touch my body my ring won't be ready for another month.
"I never hated you" he whispered before passing out . well that's a pity for him because I sure did.

I picked him up and placed him on the couch in the living room . everything had been so crazy between us I never really got to look at his face properly. He was quite good looking he had these eyes that could just melt you from the inside no matter how he looked at you,he had these cheekbones you could just cut yourself slapping ,he had that hair that you just wanted to get yourself lost in but the best thing on his face was those lips . they were a drug you never wanted to touch but one kiss and you were addicted. And just like that drug you are never able to live without them again.

Im glad I hate him or I might just do something stupid and fall in love with him, ha now that would be funny.

we are finally getting there in finding out what she is for now we know she's a witch and a werewolf there is two other things she is I'll give you the less important one
I know she a witchy vampy werewolf
What could the other be hmm



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