1735 part 2

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1735 Megara's viewpoint
"Please explain why I'm craving blood " I said as I at crossed legged on my chair that stood in the centre of my sitting area
"We are -" my best friend began
"You're vampires I know that the compulsion you told me you would place on me has wore off but how am I like you" I rambled staring wide eyed at the handsome man who had just handed me a glass of crimson liquid
"You have to drink" Rebekah told me trying to touch my shoulder but I cowered away
"What will happen if I don't" I sighed out looking up at the man for answers knowing Rebekah would not give them to me

"Umm you died with my blood in your system meaning my blood is the only thing keeping you from dying but if you don't feed now you will die" he spoke calmly as if this wasn't the most insane thing to ever happen to me

"So if I don't drink the blood of a human I'll die" I sobbed out
"Why am I crying I should be panicking " I screamed through my tears
"Right now all you're emotions are heightened" Rebekah told me before the door sounded and in walked the man I hated

"Megara it worked you're a vampire" he chimed stepping back at the sight of the other two ancient vampires

"Not yet" was all I growled out before I sped forward ripping into his flesh letting the intoxicating liquid enter my mouth and dance off my taste buds.
"Megara stop he's dead" Elijah's voice rang through the deadly silent air
"Good" I spat dropping his body to the ground and turned to the two smirking vampires
"So tell me what do you vampires do for fun" I laughed before I heard a man outside breathing
"Who's that" I asked pointing to the door as he walked in
"Elijah, Rebekah love you said you wouldn't be long our father has found us we need to" he began before stopping at the sight off me
"What are you looking at" I spat before realized I had blood smeared across my face
"Who are you did you turn her" he said directing the last part at the other vampires
" hey first her name is megara and my father did " I spat turning to the vampires
"I dont wanna be here a moment longer may we leave" I asked before the other man chimed in
"What about the body " he asked before i turned to him
" burn it with the house"

As the building crumbled under the force of the fire we were walking away from the new man turned to me
"Its a pleasure to meet you megara I'm Niklaus mikealson"
I can't believe its been so long since that night and as sobbed on my floor from the mistake I had just made I realised maybe the mikealsons were the start of something for me whether it is something good or bad it was a start and I'll never let them go again

I will stay with them
Always and forever

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