10 years later

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Megara's POV
"Aunty Megara" hopes voice beamed from other side of street.
"Baby" I shouted as she ran into my arms
"Where is your dad" I chimed happily as she snuggled her ginger hair into my neck making it tickle
"He's in the cafe talking to mum" she said before I heard the familliar squeal of Rebekah
"Meggggggg" she screamed before running up to me to hug me tightly
"Hey bekah" I smiled as she finally released my body

As we entered the unfamiliar cafe I was instantly attacked by a larger body
"Megara love its been too long" nik laughed as I saw his all too familiar smirk
"Where's cami" I asked before the blonde now vampire popped out from behind him
"Hi meg what brings you to new Orleans" with those words thoughts of why I was here swarmed me
"Hayley" was all I said before nik pulled me into a hug
"I'm so sorry love" he said before a cry escaped my eyes
"I just can't believe she's gone I can't believe they are gone" I cried harder at the thought of my old friend and her family

About two weeks ago Hayley and Jackson got killed in a car accident my two werewolf friends car was hit by a truck and were killed instantly leaving there 16 year old newly turned vampire son behind

I made a promise to look after him and teaching him.

"Where's Elijah" nikk asked quickly before I could answer the familiar voice of eli came from behind me
"Meg" he whisper causing me to turn
"Eli I don't want you here " I stated before he pulled me into a hug

'What happened to you two" bekah asked worriedly
"Nothing I just don't want him to be here for no reason" I lied me and Elijah got into a fight after he turned off his emotions and killed my friend Caroline

I left him and we haven't seen each other since

" please forgive me" he whispered before I shook my head it took all my effort to pull myself away
"Eli darling help me with these bags oh-" the sound of Katerina's voice ringed through the cafe making everything silent
Before anyone could say a word I sped out

I could never be happy could I?

The end

I know shocker right they don't end up together and in this Hayley was just werewolf nik gave his blood so Aaron could stay alive as a vampire werewolf
Hope is nik and Camis adopted witch daughter so this is it the end I'm sorry it's such a shitty ending I just had no more ideas thank you for sticking with this terrible book for so long I love you all                                                             LOVE YA ALL LITTLE WOLVES.        XXXXX

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