5 - Dm

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tomholland2013 There. That's better.

tomholland2013 No Anthony or Sebastian to bug us

chloe.living Well, hi there Holland :)

tomholland2013 Hello Livingston :)

chloe.living What brings you to my DMs?

tomholland2013 I just wanted to talk to you without the elders interrupting

chloe.living Hahahaha

chloe.living Come on, they're not THAT bad

tomholland2013 Most of them are great, it's just those two that get on my nerves

chloe.living Are you bringing Tessa with you to the filming?

tomholland2013 How do you know about Tessa?

chloe.living The internet is a beautiful place

tomholland2013 So you looked me up?

chloe.living You must understand that I love animals, Tom.

chloe.living And your dog is very, very, very adorable.

tomholland2013 Well...

chloe.living No!

tomholland2013 ?

chloe.living I don't think you realize exactly how adorable Tessa is. I mean, her breed is so misunderstood.

tomholland2013 To answer your question, I wasn't planning on bringing her, but since filming is so short, for me at least, I guess I could bring her.

chloe.living REALLY???

tomholland2013 Yeah, anything for you ;)

chloe.living Never saw you as a flirt

tomholland2013 I'm not usually, no.

chloe.living So what's changed?

tomholland2013 Maybe I just found the right girl ;)

chloe.living My, my, my, mister Holland. How you flatter me.

tomholland2013 What's your phone number?

chloe.living A little forward, aren't we?

tomholland2013 I just thought it would be easier to communicate, you know?

chloe.living Fair enough

chloe.living I have to go right now, I'll give it to you later. Bye!

tomholland2013 ...

tomholland2013 Bye

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