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hazosterfield BUSTED.

View all 1, 298 comments 

Username1 Wait... Is that???!

Username2 How'd he get a picture from so high up? 

Username3 That's... That's... 

Username3 That's @chloe.living and @tomholland2013


Username5 I want nay need @chloe.living or @tomholland2013 to confirm this right now 

Username6 Yeah @chloe.living @tomholland2013

Username7 @chloe.living @tomholland2013

Username8 @chloe.living @tomholland2013  

Username9 @chloe.living @tomholland2013 

Username10 @chloe.living @tomholland2013 

Username11 @chloe.living @tomholland2013 

Username12 @chloe.living @tomholland2013 

Username13 @chloe.living @tomholland2013 

Username14 @chloe.living @tomholland2013 

Username15 @chloe.living @tomholland2013         

Username16 @tomholland2013 @chloe.living

Username17 Woah, changing things up @Username16

tomholland2013 What's going on? 

chloe.living HAZ!!!

Username18 Is this them confirming it's them?

Username18 I think it's them confirming it's them!

chloe.living Haz... 

Username19 Feel the wrath of @chloe.living !!!

tomholland2013 Haz, we need to talk

Username20 Uh oh, someone's in trouble 

hazosterfield I rather not @tomholland2013

hazosterfield I'm sensing that I did something wrong 

chloe.living Haz..... 

hazosterfield Yes, @chloe.living ??

chloe.living Talk to Tom 

hazosterfield I rather not right now @chloe.living

Username21 #hollingston will live long and prosper 

Username22 #hollingston forever @Username21

chloe.living Just do it Haz 

Username23 They look so cute together!! 

Username22 Don't they?? @Username23

Username24 I want

chloe.living Me too @Username24

Username25 Anyone notice how @chloe.living is more active on Haz's account than she is on her own? 

Username26 Are we sure it's them?

Username27 I think THEY are pretty sure @Username26

Username28 For goodness sake, it's them

Username28 Trust me @Usermame26 

Username28 I know all

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