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Baby Spider

I miss you

I miss you too Tommy 



So what brings you here Tommy?

I just missed you is all 

You aren't busy?

Yeah I'm busy, but I will always make time for you

You're so sweet

And cheesy >_< 

I must admit something though

What did you do this time?

This time??

What is it? 

You wouldn't happen to have just heard a knock?

Would you? 

You're right that's creepy

How did you know?

I don't know

But maybe you should answer it 

But I'm talking to you right now

Gosh darn it Holland, just answer it!

But stranger danger! 

My goodness Holland! 


I'll be right back

Oh I doubt you will



You're at the door

We should probably stop texting each other, shouldn't we?

Yeah, probably

See ya in the real world?


See ya in 3



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