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Baby Spider

When can I see you?

Didn't I tell you that Spider-Man would be our reunion?

What if I can't wait that long?

Well, lucky for you, I'll be at comiccon

You'll be there too, right?

I better

There's a panel talking about Civil War, right?


But I'm more excited for artist alley


Because despite my fame and fans, I am still a total fangirl at heart

Luckily for you, I am still a fanboy inside and out

I've told you the story about when I first met Robert, right?

Heard it, loved it, still think about it when I go to sleep at night

Now I'm regretting telling you


I find it pretty adorable

Only pretty adorable?

Okay, really adorable


I can't wait to see you

When exactly is comiccon?

That is something you should talk to your manager about

You're not helpful

Oh, and prepare to be teased a lot by pretty much the entire cast

And most of our fans

I think I'll survive

And don't forget what I told you

That you love me?

Well, yes, but I meant about coming to me if any of my fans hate on you

And same goes for me

I'm glad

But fangirls tend to be harsher than fanboys

Shhh don't upset them

Upset who?

The fangirls

Well, luckily, I'm talking to you and not a bunch of fangirls

Yep, lucky you


What's wrong?

Is it bad that I really miss Tessa?

As long as you don't miss her more than you miss me


What if I miss you both equally?

I'll take it

Haha, that's why I love you

How's this


I'll bring Tessa to comiccon

Then we can all cuddle together and watch movies, just like the good old times


That. Sounds. Amazing!!!

I... I... I love you so much

Haha I love you too

I have to go

Haz is bugging me to get off my phone

But I'll talk to you later?

Of course

Bye, love!

How Cliche || Tom Holland Social MediaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora