25 - Voicemail

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You have 6 new messages

First message

Oh, hey, Jasmine, it's Chloe

I guess you can't pick up the phone right now

That's okay, because I'm about to tell you anyway

I think I might of sort of kind of have feelings for Tom

I didn't want to admit it before, but I think it's time I accept my feelings

I know I denied it before, but that was before I actually met him in person

It's just... I don't know...

I have to go now, so don't expect any more calls anytime soon

Next message

Hey, what's up?

It's Chloe again

I might've had a little bit of alcohol

I'm not drunk yet!

Maybe just a little tipsy...

I'm having tons of fun, even though not much has happened yet

Oh hey! Iron Man just walked in!

Maybe I could get an autograph?

Tony! Tony!!

Next message


Almost fell just then haha

It's me! Chloe!

Let me tell ya, walking in heels is not an easy task

Iron Man wouldn't give me his autograph

Something about my autograph being worth more or something

Whatever that means

Tom arrived about an hour ago and we still haven't really talked yet

Just simple hellos, that's it

I'm, uh, I don't know

Ugh, what is this pain I'm feeling

Right here, in my chest

Gosh I'm stupid


You can't see me right now haha

I guess you're just going to have to take my word for it

Next message

I, uh... I, uh... I, uh...

I'm not going to lie

I have had quite a bit to drink haha


Feels great... Feels great

I finally got a chance to talk to Tom

My goodness I died

He treated me like his little sister

I'm not kidding, it was like he saw me as a five year old

I am just going to crawl into this little hole I have dug myself and die

Tell my family pets I love them!

Next message

I'm about to do something really stupid

I can't tell you what it is


Okay, I'll tell you

But only since you asked so kindly

Wait, no

I'm gonna keep the mystery alive

Keep you guessing

Next message

I did it!

Oh my gosh, I did it

Can't you just hear the panic in my voice??

I'm freaking out!!

Do you know what I just did?

Should I tell you?

Of course I should!

You're my best friend, right?

Yeah, you would never betray me

Why did I call again?

Oh, yeah!

Umm... I kissed Tom

I initiated it

I just went right for it, no warning, no nothing

He was mid conversation and I just pounced on him like the loser I am

I heard cheering around me

Most likely Elizabeth


We didn't say anything afterwards either

I am currently in the bathroom freaking out

I probably messed things up forever

He thinks I'm a lunatic now, for sure

Or even worse, a s***

Why am I so stupid?!

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