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Baby Spider

What have you done?

What on earth are you talking about??


What about her?

She's evil

What are you talking about?

Let's just say we have a history

A bad history

What happened?

We used to date

Is that all?

You seem worried for nothing

Ever since our breakup, she has made it her life mission to make my life miserable

I think you're over-exaggerating a little

No, no I am not

Trust me

What do you want me to do?

Do what I did


Dump her

I'm not going to lose a friend just because you had a bad experience with her


Listen to me

She's trying to ruin our relationship

I'm pretty sure she's the one who sent me those evil messages

What messages?

Someone was trying to convince me that you were cheating on me with Shawn

That's silly

I know it is

I didn't believe them I swear

But I think that was just the tip of the iceberg

Look, Tom

I love you, I hope you love me

Of course I do

Then what's there to worry about?

Don't you trust me?

Of course I trust you

I just don't trust her

You have nothing to worry about, Tom

I love you ♥

I love you too

We have each other

That's all we need

You're right

I'm sorry

*sending virtual hug*

*receiving virtual hug*

You're such a dork

You're a bigger dork

You're so handsome

You're perfect

Pfft okay

Whatever you say


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