39 - Dm

218 1 0


Hi, you probably won't see this, but I am such a huge fan

I think you're talented and beautiful and wonderful

I commented on your last post, I don't know if you saw, but I just wanted you to feel appreciated because the media can be insane

Oh, hi!

It's always nice to meet a fan

Wow I can't believe you're responding to me!

I try to reply to as many fans as I can

That's so awesome of you!

I just wanted to say that the media is going to be tricky, but I think you and Tom can get through it

Thank you!

You're so kind

You wouldn't believe how many hate messages I receive

You're right, I can't believe it

You're so awesome!

Who would dare hate on you?!

Ahaha thanks

But you'd be surprised

Well, I would never hate on you

For whatever reason

Aww thanks

You're so sweet

You know, I'm a huge fan of Tom too

So you guys getting together was like heaven to me

That's nice of you

I hope you guys stay together forever

Yeah, me too

Good luck~


What do you mean?

I just hope you two get along for the rest of your lives

Wouldn't it be great if you got married??

Haha, that's still whiles away

But yeah, it would

You know, I've always wanted to meet you two, but I could never afford it or anything

Aw, that's too bad

Yeah, pricing sucks but it's how I make a living >_<'

Yeah, I totally get that

Maybe someday :)

You know what?

I never do this, but how about I fly you out here to meet us??

All expenses paid




Here, I'll give you my number and we can talk details later

I have to go now but it was nice meeting you!

Yeah omg you really are amazing!

I can't believe this is happening!!

Yeah haha

But do not, I repeat, DO NOT share my number and other info to ANYONE

I cannot stress this enough

It sucks, but it's a safety issue

Of course!

No one would believe me anyway


Well, bye!

And I'll talk to you soon!


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