The Duet

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A/N This song originally belongs to Lukas Graham. Please don't play the song till they sing. When Ki sings, it will be underlined. When you and Ki sing together, it will be bold. Also I do not own any of the pictures I show. Enjoy! 

Your P.O.V

Yay! I am sooooo happy right now! Remember yesterday when we did that audition? Well, Ki and I got into the talent show! Not that I doubted it for a second. When we found out, we were overjoyed. 

We danced and skipped down the hallways together, and Ki somehow managed to start a conga line in the lunch room. But the amount of happiness Ki and I felt, was nothing compared to the host club's reaction. 

Every time Tamaki saw us, he yelled, 'OH MY TALENTED DAUGHTERS! I AM SOOOOOOOO PROUD OF YOU GUYS!' at the top of his lungs, ran over to us with sparkly eyes, and hugged us. Honey somehow managed to get a twelve-foot cake ordered my lunch time, while Mori lifted us up, brought us to a crowd of people, and BAM! We were suddenly crowd surfing. 

The twins followed us to all of our classes,(Hikaru stalked me, while Ki had to deal with Kaoru) and reminded everyone we came across that Ki and I were their friends and that we got into the talent show. 

Even Kyoya was happy about it. Though, his reason was that meant more money for the host club. So, he got the twins to steel a bunch of our pencils, pens, little doodles I had in my notebook and  Ki's cupcake wrapper. He urged Ki to join the host club, but she said no and he had nothing to blackmail her with so after lunch, he let it go. 

And now, 5th period is about to start. That is when the talent show/assembly starts! And since we are the choir representatives, we go after the dean is done giving his speech thing-magig! 

Ding Dong, Dong Ding

That's the bell!

Almost time...

I ran as fast as I could down the bright hallways. Soon, I made it backstage and nearly fell on top of someone. 

"I'm sorry!" I exclaimed helping them up. 

"It's no problem!" I reassured me. 

I recognize him...

"Aha! You're that boy from the first day! You were the one that told me where to wait," I blurted out to the purple haired boy.

"Aha, yep! That's me. I didn't think you would remember..." he trailed off and nervously rubbed the back of his neck.

"Of course I do! Your hair is hard to forget. Plus your face is pretty recognizable." 

"O-oh...thanks, I think..."

"I meant it in a good way! Your hair is totally awesome and-" I started. I got cut off by a certain tiny blonde person dragging me away.

I was in shock for a second, then I gave the purple haired boy a weak smile, and waved. He stood there, stunned for a second, by he soon returned the smile, and continued with his work. I shot a glare at the blonde, and she started skipping like everything was normal.

"Dude.....why?" I asked.

"Because we can't have you ending up with anyone except Hik-"


"Whatever you say, author," Ki sighed. I was about to ask who she was talking to when she grabbed my wrist, shoved me into a changing room and threw some clothes at my face.

Our Hearts Beat Together- Hikaru x OC |DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now