I'm Sorry! (Not A Chapter)

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Author: I am so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so sorry guys! I was too tired for life this last weekend and this week I have a project and tons of homework and-ugh! What I'm trying to say is that I am very sorry for not updating this weekend! I should have but I was sooooooo tired and lazy...I'm sorry for being a couch potato....and you know what makes this situation worse? The fact that I have a project due next week! And since I have loads of homework this week,  I'll have to put most of my effort into it over this upcoming weekend! >_< This means I might not be able to update this weekend either! But, I will try. It will probably be short though. Sorry in advance guys! Anyways, I gotta finish my Geo homework(R.I.P me...>_<) so....bye! 

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