Chapter 2 • Hello Again

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A few months have passed by since I last met that giant wolf. It worries me, I hope it wasnt killed as a trophy prize. It was just too beautiful to kill, I think it's better to enjoy from a difference.

Everyday I walk the same trail, silently hoping to see the pretty beast, only to be disappointed. Its not like it changed my life, but it did give me ideas on what I want to be when I grow.

Ive been deciding on something like a veterinarian. I love all animals, even the ugly ones. They all deserve help like us humans do. We are all animals in the inside. We all come from one ansestor and many people forget that.

My feet hit the weeds that have began growing on my trail once more. Sadly, Ive been too busy to fix my trail up. Ive been pushing myself to be better than the best. If I want to save a life, Ill have to know what to do.

I smile, pausing in the same spot I always do, the two giant rocks. It is such a marvelous place, I cant stop thinking about it. I reach in my pocket and take out my phone to take a kther picture.

Today the sun is hitting the rocks perfectly. They were still soggy from last nights rainfall. Perfect conditions for a new wallpaper on my phone.

I hear a faint bark behind me and I quickly turn around to see a similar pair of green eyes staring up at me like the many months ago.

This time it feels different though, it doesnt look happy like it was last time. I reach in my binder and pull out a box of berries. Maybe itll like these, you never know. One time my cat ate a banana.

The wolf walks closer and I notice a limp in one its back legs. Instead of backing away like a sane person would, I moved closer, hoping to help him. I have minimal experience, but enough to know how to treat a simple wound like that.

I place the food on the forest floor, hoping itd take the bait. The wolf sniffed the food before quickly eating it. I take this as my chance and I move in on its back.

Once Im literally right next to it, I wait a moment before lightly petting the fur, making sure to not startle the beast. The only thing that I got was a simple look back before it flopped over into its backside.

My eyes go wide in surprise as I get out my gym shirt and rip a piece of it off. Not like itll matter, Ill just ask to use somebody elses, or I could say this is a new fashion trend. Bet they would believe me.

"This will hurt a little," I mumble, wrapping the cloth around the injured leg. It was obviously broken, so the best thing to do would be taking it to the vet, but thats not a plausable action due to fact I probably couldnt even drag this wolf if I had to. The next best thing is making sure it heals correctly.

I could tell it was trying to avoid using the leg while walking, but I know itd be hard. I finish up with a cute little bow, "There we go," I smile, rubbing the wolf's belly like a dog's. It wags its tail in happiness. Im glad I got to see it again, even if it wasnt in the best situation.

"Now," I say, standing up, "you should rest wolfy," I finish, brushing the dirt of my cloths from sitting on the moist ground. I pick my binder off the ground, also swiping the dirt away.

The wolf also gets up and shakes its fur, standing opposite from me. It lets out a  little bark before leaving in a funny run.

I smile, letting out a small sigh before leaving the scene. I felt like I just got a thank you from a wolf.

After school I take the same trail, not expecting to see the wolf again. I figure its wanting to rest off in a den somewhere off in the woods. I pass by the rocks, not sparing a glance. I actually feel pretty eager to get home because my teacher has sent me links to scholarships I could easily get with my grades.

I stop in my tracks further down when I see the wolf once more, in the middle of my trail, looking up at me. Those eyes are so memorizing, I dont even know how such pretty things are possible.

"Why hello there," I say, reaching out to pet its head. Thankfully the wolf licked my hand and let me do so. I smile, "I thought you would be gone by now big guy."

The wolf lets out a small bark, Im guessing that's  a yes, or a just not yet. It gets up on three of his legs, making sure to not use the broken one, like he actually listened to me.

I raise a curious eyebrow, "I wonder what breed you are," I ask myself curiouspy. I take out my phone to take a picture, maybe somebody on Reddit would figure it out for me. The wolf growls and snatches my phone out of my hands.

I back away, feeling a little nervous now. Like I said, nice for one second, beastly the next. This time I shouldnt go near it again, Id like to live.

The wolf puts fdown its ears in a sad position and tries to walk towards me, "No!" I shout, making sure it understands that Im not comfortable anymore.

The wolf suddenly stops, letting out a wimper. It carefully puts down my phone before slowly walking away. Its tail hung low as it looked back one more time before leaving out of sight.

I let out a breath Ive been holding in since I felt scared. I wonder what the hell just happened.


Hello! Im hope youre enjoying my story so far. If yoh want sneak peaks, q&as or whatever then feel free to follow my wattpad's instagram @ isafluffyfox (classy ikr).

I try and keep my books original, so its pure coincidence if its similar to other books.

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