Chapter 24 • And Going On The Last Day

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I wake up, hearing loud shouting in the hallway. "Shut the fuck up!" I hear Braydon shout, stomping his foot. He throws the door open, draghing a familiar light colour haired boy behind him. Wyatt growls, trying to get out of Braydon's grip, only to be held down. ""Wake the hell up Alison!" He tells me. I snap up, my body shaking. He holds up Wyatt with one hand, "How many times have you seen this fucker?" He asks me.

I open my mouth, trying to say something, but only little whimpers came out. How many times have I seen him? Not many. Why did Braydon bring him up here? I thought he knew since Wyatt told me his past. "A couple," I mumble. My words barely even audible to me.

Braydon growls, "I thought I told you to stya away from him!" He shouts, shaking Wyatt in the air. He looks at me with a sad look, as if saying sorry. Oh Wyatt, Im sorry too. "Ill kill this bitch with my-"

"Pleases dont," I disrupt him. Braydon glares at me, "Nothing happened that requires for you to kill him," I say with a dry voice. It seems like I sweat away all the water in my body from being scared. If that's even possible. I dont know, I dont care. This is ridiculous, Wyatt told me about Braydon's past, something I doubt that he would even think of telling me. Maybe that's why he is here, because he suddenly thought the loss of trust was all Wyatt's fault. I feel a sudden surge of confidence rush through me and I stand up, "What the hell do you want?"

Braydon lowers Wyatt, staring me down. "For you to stop being a little bitch and listen to me," he says, sneering at me. His empty hand balls in a fist and I take a step back.

"She's not a werewolf Braydon!" Wyatt says, catching our attention, "she wont take orders from you, she's a different fucking species. Get over the fact you have no control over her!" He says.

My mouth slightly parts, that's what his problem is, he has no control. Alphas usually have all the control, but only in the world of wolves. Humans are free compared to most wolves.

Braydon waits a moment before throwing Wyatt against the wall, initially putting a hole through it. "Shut the fuck up you worthless rogue. I can have as much control as I want," he turns towards me, frowning, "And you, you have to start listenong to me," he says while pointing my way.

Wyatt groans, some blood dripping down the back of his head as he gets up.  "Braydon, you realize this is her last day here. She's going home tomorrow. Dont ruin it for us wolves jsut because you cant control yourseld," he coughs, wabling about. It's true, it's like I forgot. Today is my fairwell party too, what a pleasure that will be after this.

Braydon pauses, realizing the truth. I wasnt going to be here forever, only so many more hours. "Shut up, youre going back to the cells," he says calmly, grabbing Wyatt again. "Sorry Alison," he says, leaving the room and me with my thoughts.

I hope Wyatt will be okay, he doesnt deserve anymore pain. As for Braydon, I dont trust him. I cant trust him anymore. He is crazy, obsessive and he will be alpha one day. That's a worry the world will have to deal with. It's going to get worse, I just know it.

I lay back onto the bed, keeping my eyes open as I stare blankly. After an hour or so I hear someone come into the room. I figure it's Braydon. He walks over to me and sits down beside me. "I know you arent happy, but you should get ready, the party is going to be happening tonight. I want you looking pretty," he says, patting my leg. "Ill take you to the dressing room."

I slowly get up, nodding. Let's get this day over with, I think, following Braydon out of the room. We silently walk down the halls, feeling the tension. We stop infront of the familiar dressing room and he opens the door for me, "Ill come pick you up later. Im sorry Alison," he says, giving me a small hug. What he did earlier was so sudden and now he is saying sorry, I just dont know how to feel anymore. "It figures, I always do this," he mumbles, leaving down the hallway.

I give him a sad look as he walks away. A maid pulls me into the room, a different one from before. "Let's get yoy started. So which outfit did you pick last time?" She asks me, looking at me up and down.

I smile, "Its a long black dress-

She nods, going intot he closet. I guess the other maid informed her of my options. She pulls out the beautiful dress, as well the heels and tosses them on the bed. "Give me a minute, I need to find some jewelery and makeup thatll match," she says, sitting down at the vanity, going through the many drawers. I sit on the bed, not saying anything. If she thinks I need jewelery then I shall wear some, if she wants to make me look like an idiot, then she would have to deal with some angry people. Its all her choice.

After a few minutes she gets up and walks over, sitting beside me. "Okay, for the makeup Imma do it all with this lipstick," she says, holding up a rich red colour thatll pop out from all the black. I nod, agreeing on how good it looks. "As for jewelery, I have this chocker," she holds up a chocker that has a bell and semi-complicated design. I do like it too, although Im not too used to chokers. "And these," she finishes, showong some black, simple earrings.

I smile, "Wow, youre really good at this," I comment as she places everything together. I dont know how good I will look with all this stuff on. I moght deteriorate the value by just being seen in such a thing.

She smiles, "Thanks, anyways, get dressed. I need to do your hair and makeup."


Im pretty excited for the next couple chapters c; predictions?

*Small rant* I know Im not the only one who feels this way, but I hate when people use txt talk (u so r prtty bby).

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