Chapter 11 • Awkwardness

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"Braydon, what the fuck is wrong with you?" Denial shouts, pulling his pitiful brother off of the floor. I stay on floor, feeling in line with how low I am.

Braydon struggles in his brother's arms, "Stop, I need to say sorry!" He screams, punching his brother's face.

I run over, trying to hold Braydon back. He stops and looks up at me with large, teary eyes. "Do you forgive me?" He asks, breathing heavily.

"Yes, I forgive you. Please calm down Braydon," I say, patting his shoulder. He thinks thats not good enough and englufs me in a tight hug.

Danial gives me a look, trying to tell me to leave the room for a talk. Braydon doesnt let me go, I look down and see his eyes closed. His breathing slows down and I notice that he fell asleep.

I smile and pet his hair, not being able to resist. Denial takes hin off of me, "Lets go take him to his room," he says, walking down the hallway. I follow him, making sure to stay close.

After finalling tucking the blacked out Brydon, me and Denial head over tp his room. Its the same size and Braydon's just with a cleaner style. We sit on his bed, keeping quiet.

I break the silence after a minute, "What was that?" I ask, still surprised. He seemed so different then, like everything just toppled down.

Denial lets out a frustraited sigh, "I know that it seems bad, but he doesnt even realize it. Braydon is obsessive, and when things go wrong, everything is wrong. We have tried to help him, but Im sorry tp say that I think youv e made it worse," he tells me straight forward. I like that he did that, but now I feel horribke for saying all those things. But Im also curious as to why he would get obsessive over me. What is it? Now I feel like I need to know.

Denial lays down in his bed, closing his eyes. "Im sorry you have to deal with all of this," he says in a honest tone. Im happy that there are some who accept me. "Would you like me to take me to your room, or would you like to stay with Braydon?" He asks me as if it was nothing.

My eyes go wide from surprise, "W-wait what?" I ask, confused. This is too dirty for my tastes, wait- I need to stop thinking. Just like turn it off.

Denial smirks, "No, no, no," he chuckles, "he would be happy if you perhaps woke up on his couch. I mean, you dont even know where your room is," he says, taking off a blanket. He tosses it to me, winking.

I catch it, "Y-you sure?" I stutter, scared that this might go wrong. Although I really dont know where my room is and i doubt Denial will show me. Even if he did know, bet he wouldnt.

"Goodnight," we say to eachother as I leave the room. I stand infront of Braydon's door, debating whether or not I should. I mean I think I trust him, but that scene he made back there... it scared me a bit.

I take in a sharp breath, twisting the doorknob slowly. Now or never. I open the door slowly, making sure to try and be as quiet as possible. I hear Braydon's light snores as I sneak over to the couch, closing the door behind me.

I lay down on the soft couch, pulling the  thick blanket over my shoulders for a comfortable sleep, wondering if tomorrow will be better.

The morning I slowly wake up from my dreamless sleep. My eyes flutter open, adjusting to the brightly lit room. Either it is morning or this guy doesnt save on electricity. My eyes wander the room, stopping at the bed, but I notice that Im in his bed. My face turns red as I see Braydon's wolf curled up on the foot of the bed, sleeping soundly.

I reach over and pet him, his tail twitches and I hand snaps back. Braydon lifts his head up, looking at me with his sparkling eyes. While vampire sparkle in the sun, his eyes sparkle while a wolf. Without saying anything he gets up and lays down next to me, his tail hitting my leg as it wagged.

I bite my lip, a little confused on what he's doing. 'Good morning,' he says in my head, his eyes closed, 'I put you up here last night, you fell off the couch.' He laughs a little, making me groan. Seriously? I fell off the couch, I mustve looked pretty stupid.

I get off the bed, standing up to go change- only to remember that I dont where my room is and thats where my bags should be. I turn around, "Where's my room?" I ask Braydon, my hands folded behind me.

Braydon nods, 'Let me shift back and get dressed,' he says, going to his dresser to pull out an outfit to change in the bathroom with. I sit on the couch, folding the rustled up blanket on the floor. I will give this back to Denial later, and give him a thanks for stepping in yesterday.

Braydon walks out in gym shorts and a tight shirt, his hair all messy, "Good morning sunshine," he jokes, yawning loudly. I wonder if he remembers what happened yesterday, if he does, then hes really good at hiding it.

I smile lightly, "Good morning," I say back, taking a glance out the open windows. The sun is just rising, but the clear sky mades it look brighter than it usually would. The tree sway as a breeze blows, although I could hardly feel it.

Braydon picks Denial's blanket off my lap, "Ill give this back to my brother while you dress," he says, setting it off to the side. "Lets go, its on the second floor."

We leave his room, wandering down to the second floor. We weave through hallways, I will not remember this for the whole stay. People stand in the halls, gossiping, talking, kissing, just about everything, but one thing they all did was stare and glare at me. Braydon keeps a straight face, jsut walking forward. Probably because those glares are for me, who would glare at their own alpha bloodline. Out of what i seen, they respect all alphas.

Braydon stops and I bump into his arm, I back up, blinking a few times. Zoning out while walking, never do it. He opens a door to the left of us and enters, I follow close by. Its a dark, blue room, once again, boyish. Not that I mind, I just find it a bit odd. Usually guest rooms are... Im not sure. Simpler? You could say that.

I close the door behind me, "Are you sure this isnt somebody else's room?" I ask, noticing some personal stuff around the room like photos and a laptop. I take a closer look at one picture. Closest to the door, I notice a younger Braydon and somebody I havent seen yet. They look like really good friends, I wonder why Im in here.

Braydon sits on the bed, patting the spot next to him, "It was somebody else's room."


:o Whattt, who is this guy? Why isnt he there anymore?

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