Chapter 8 • Day One

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"Braydon, youre being so slow," Denial groans, taking a moment to stretch. We are taking a break, for my sake. To eat some snacks I brought and relax. My muscles were starting to shrink. I feel bad for slowing them down, but its technically not my fault. Better sage than sorry.

Braydon curles up next to me, keeping watch as we relaxing, for the most part. But the fur ball next me seemed to ne radiated some type of aura, kind of displeasing. He puts his ears down, as if listening again.

"So, Alison, whatre your plans at the pack house?" Denial asks me, leaning against a tree to look up at the darkening day.

I take a moment to think, not exactly sure. Nobody gave me any directions on what to do. "Observe," I say, being honest enough. I brought a notebook to write in, to keep tabs on everything in. Maybe the news will take the time and use it.

Denial lets out a little laugh, "A girl of few words-" he cuts himself off with open eyes. I notice the two brothers looking at eachother before Denial lets out a little "oh". "Lets go," Denial says, picking me up to place me on Braydon's back again.

I close my eyes, holding on tight to the soft fur, inhaling his foresty scent. He keeps walking, 'Alison, we are almost there,' Braydon tells me, walking more cautiously than before.

Howls could be heard in the distance, probably welcoming them back. I look up from Braydon's fur, seeing an extremely large house, along with a town. This is more impressive than I thought itd be.

We walk through the town, people stopping to stare at us. Each one of them is at least a food taller than me, except the children who were the same size. I feel like a midget.

"What the hell is a human doing here?" Somebody shouts, obviously angry. I shy away, not wanting anymore attention. Braydon growls loudly at the person, making them freeze up.

Denial stops in his tracks, "Everybody, please be polite. You dont have to like her, but she is trying to bring peace!" He says to everybody, who listened carefully. Displeasent looks glared me down to a shrivel.

We continue walking, entering the large house, I think its the pack house. I wonder what goes on here, I could only guess the differences between our worlds.

The alpha stands tall by some stairs, a welcoming smile on his face. "Alison, I welcome you to the pack. Boys, thanks for not getting her pelted by rotten fruits," my eyebrow twitches, is that seriously what he expected? This is starting off horribly. Im expecting it get better, but nobody always gets what they want. "Anyways, I will let you all rest, more specifically, Alison. My boys never calm down," he smiles, heading up the stairs, stopping half way, "I shall see you at dinner."

I nod, taking a moment to realize what he was talking about. Dinner? It's so late! 'It's a welcoming dinner, we arent too different from you in some ways.' I bite my lip, forgetting that he could do that. Oh how I will learn to restrict my thinking, that doesn't sound to good either though. 'Ill go bring you up to your room, you can take a small nap while I get your stuff ready,' he tells me, staking small steps up the stairs. Alright, I guess a nap can do me some good, get my head straight.

Im taken up to the top floor where only a few doors are. The alpha floor, the top for the top. We walk down to a door on the left, 'Could you open it?' Braydon asks, snapping me out of my thoughts. I reach out and open the door, looking into the large room. This couldnt be my guest room, its filled with boy stuff, a mini gym and expensive stuff. 'Im spoiled, I know. I forgot your room, just take a nap in here for now. Youll be safer here than anywhere else.'

Braydon walks right by the bed, I drag myself onto it, Braydon giving me a little shove up with his snout. I lightly blush, covering myself with his cologne thick blanket. I have to admit, it smells amazing.

I close my eyes, feeling a lot sleepier than I was a few moments ago. Dreams hit me like a rock- I look around, seeing an all green forest, not the boyish room I was in anymore. It looked like the forest I usually walked through, but something is off. Something is missing, no, someone.

Braydon, his wolf. It feels a little empty without him, but where is he? He could be gone, at home, being an alpha's son. Or, if things have taken turn for the worst, he could be dead. Why would I think so? I hope he never dies in the hands of me. I hope he never dies, I appreciate what he doing for wolves and humans.

My eyes open up slowly, as if I were still tired. That dream was weird, why would I focus on Braydon? He is helping me, but why would I think about his death? This is concerning, its not like I can see the future. I shouldnt worry, he's the strongest thing on earth pretty much.

"Hey, I brought you a outfit," I flip over, seeing Braydon holding up a gorgeous dress. My eyes go wide in shock. It is a short, pink dress with a mix of simplicity and details and a cute, long scarf. "Thought so," he smiles, "most of the maids said 'just use a trashbag', but a couple of them were kind enough to help me not pick a trashbag."

I let out a little laugh. Most wolves here dont like me, just like how the humans dont like them. Im not too surprised, we are so different, yet almost the same.

My eyes grazed over a box in Braydon's right hand. He notices this and lifts it uo, handing it to me. "Open it," he says in a cheery tone. I do so, seeing a pair of stilettos that closely matched the dress. I smile in response, "Knew it!" He says in a girly tone, "I shall let you get dressed-"

"I cant," I blush deeply. Braydon stays quiet, probably wondering as to why. "My injuries.. I cant move too much," I say shyly. I feel like Im asking him to help me dress, which I kind of am. Unless there is somebody else who could, then Id be real glad to meet her.

Braydon nods understandingly, "Ill get one of the nicer maids to help you," he says, walking out of the room. "If I dressed you, the dress wojld be upside down and those heels would be hanging off some pig tails," he laughs, closing the door behind me.

I shake my head, he's the one person I trust so far. I just hope there are other like him.


Well? I dont know. I want dinner, I want candy, I want soda. Anyways, thank you all for 1000+ reads in a little over a day (damn!).

he dress and heels:

he dress and heels:

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