Chapter 32 • Just A Little More

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The next morning I wake to Braydon in my face. "Sorry to wake you, but we have a busy day," he says, clapping his hand.

I rub my tired eyes, "Why?" I ask, my voice sounding very rough. I am not a morning person and if it was legal, Id shoot anybody who woke me up in a bad mood.

"Im offically becoming alpha. Im holding off on you becoming luna until youre completely comfortable," he tells me, lifting me into the air like a baby. I groan, rolling my eyes. Braydon smiles, setting me down, "Sorry, Im just really excited," he says. I nod, laying back on the bed, only to be pulled up. "Sorry kitten, but you have to get dressed."

I blink, "Why?" I ask really slowly. I just want some more sleep, Im so freaking tired.

"Actually, you can. Ill have a maid bring and outfit up to you. Sound good?" He asks. I nod, falling back onto the bed, almost instantly falling asleep as Braydon gets dressed.

I wake up to someone shaking my shoulder. "Okay, time to actually get up," Braydon says with a laugh. "You got to sleep an additional four hour to your already ten."

I nod, slowly getting up. It sure as hell doesnt feel like I got any sleep. I stumble off the bed and Braydon manages to catch me, "Woah," he says, placing me back onto the bed. "Are you feeling alright?" He asks me, sitting beside me. I nod, not feeling too different, just extremely tired amd a little dizzy. Braydon frowns and places a hand on my forehead, "Holly shit, you have a fever," he says, clearly upset. He looks down at me, "We can hold the-"

"Dont," I say, cutting him off. I know he's hurt me, but this is his day, probably one he has been waiting for some years. "Ill be fine," I add.

Braydon looks down at me, worried, "I dont want you to get worse," he says getting up, "Ill go get a doctor, they may be able to help you." He pauses for a moment, blanking out and then he turns back to me, "Theyre coming."

I give Braydon a confused look, "Dont you need to be near them?" I ask, unsure. My eyes flutter as my vision blurs for a moment. I think a wet rag would do me some good right now, to cool me off.

"Here, Ill get one for you," Braydon says, running to the bathroom. I hear the water run for a moment before he comes back out, placing the wet towel on my forehead. "There you go. And now that Im the Alpha, I can talk to anybody in the pack from a reasonable range," he tells me, running his fingers down my hand.

A knock of the door and a doctor comes in woth his bag. He examines me and then turns towards Braydon, slightly irritated. "Alpha, she is going to need a human doctor. The medicine we habe been giving her for the pain more than likely did this to her as I side effect for being a large amount smaller and weaker than us wolves," he says straightforwars, putting his hands on his hips to show just how serious this is. A human doctor, that'd mean I would habe to go back, because nobody would want to come here, even if they do support the wolves.

The doctor leaves the room and leaves us in an awkward silence. I break it, getting tired pf the tension. "Please just do your alpha thing," I say, taking in a slow, deep breath. I look at Braydon, seeing his twiddle his finger around nervously.

Braydon looks up, just noticing that I was staring. "Are you sure? I seriously think that we should take you back. Maybe the president could help us with those aircrafts," he speeds through his words, listing off his ideas. I dont take note, being pretty persistant on bis becoming alpha. I wont ruin somebody else's dream because Im a little under the weather. Id know some would do the same for me, plus, I think I need to give hin a little break. Not in trusting him, but from my shitty attitude. Even Im getting tired of it.

I shake my head, no, "I will be fine, we dont need to ask for help. Now go get ready, this is your big day," I smile, waving my hand as if he was leaving. Braydon bites his lip before giving me a peck on the cheek and leaving. I dont think he had much else to say.

I lay down, trying to relax my body, to relieve myself of all the stress. Deep breaths and a stretched out body. The cold rag on my head has been helping a lot, I dont feel as dizzy anymore. That doesnt mean if I got up real fast that Id be perfectly fine, Id probably tip over and make Braydon worry. I need a little peace and quiet to control my situation.

I dont like Braydon.
He has hurt me many times.
His past is unforgivable.
He is mentally unstable and I am a trigger.
He is becoming the main power of the wolves.
He is trying to make everything right.
He is selfish and only does what he wants. He wants me to be happy so he can be happy. He wants me to stay because Im unique and not a werewolf, right? At least that what I think- to him, Im a trophy wife.

Those are currently the facts in my mind. I cannot forget these because that would just make history repeat itself. I take in another breath and I hear a knock on the door, "Hello? This is a delivery for Alison and her outfit for the party," a girl says in a cute voice.

I take a moment to think, I guess Braydon forgot to cancel getting the dress, whoops. "Just leave it out there," I request. I hear it being set down and footsteps rush off. I presume Im not her favorite person at the moment, wonderful. I get up, my back cracking. I let out a hiss from the pain in my back and stomach area. Damnit, my wounds still havent healed and Im constantly getting injured here. Sometimes I wonder if Im going to make it out alive. I hop off the bed and hop to the door, carefully. When i open it I see a glittery gift bag.

I smile. Picking up the bag with balance and hop back to the bed to rest. Hopping is a lot harder when you have something weighing your foot down quite a bit. I sit and open the bag in my lap. I pull out a long, gold gown with a few rainbow beads and heels... the dress is good. No need for the heels, not like I could were them anyways.

I should probably go, not for Braydon, but to socialize. That's the best I can do right now. I want to try and make things right between me and the wolves. This alliance is important to me and everybody else. It's in everybody's best interests to be kind to eachother, but sometimes that's just not possible.

I need them to trust me, especially since Braydon foolishly decided to mark a human.


Today's moon was amazing... (❤ my phone's camera):

Oh and this thing (kind of forgot heels are not very useful in her situation, whoops):

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