Chapter 9 • Targeted

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Braydon helps me down the stairs, wrapping one of his arms around my waist for a safety precaution. Him touching me feels odd and would be worse if I was in school, but Im not. He is simply being kind, helping me while Im in pain. I appreciate that he is willing to do such a thing, even though most of his species hates me.

Suddenly Braydon stops, tightening his grip around me. I look over to see him with a thinking face. "What's wrong?" I ask him, putting my hand up on his high shoulder. I really am a midget here.

Braydon lets out a defeated sigh, "I know that you know that not everybody here is fond of you. They will pull your strings till you choke on them," a shiver runs down my spine, wondering of how they could do that. Hit it where it hurts, people say, and that can be many things. "But Ill be right here next to you, so dont worey about it. If anything bothers you, I want you to come talk to me. Okay?" Braydon's eyes gained a little sparkle.

I nod, "Okay," I say, wondering if that was really going to be the case. I have to see the place for what it really is, not only the sun shiny goodness. Im like a news reporter on a mission to inform the world.

I try to continue walking, but Braydon doesnt let me, "Not till you say okay anf mean it," he says. What the- oh, he read my mind. I cant do this, this is going to drving me nuts.

I take in a deep breath, "Okay," my voice squeeked as I kept repeating in my head, 'Dont think, dont think, dont think,' for a few thousand more times.

"Ugh," Braydon groans at me, "lets just go," he pulls away from my waist, only to hold onto my wrist tightly. I frown at his sudden change in mood. My thoughts are suppose to be personal, I cant just suddenly change it because he can read them. It's disturbing in a way and kind of scares me. Thankfully only the alpha bloodline has it. Just please tell me he isnt reading my mind right now. Im going to fear that for the whole stay.

We enter an extremely large dining hall through two, white doubke doors. People scrambled around while kids chase eachother. I move closer to Braydon, holding onto his rolled up sleeve. I feel as if I could get lost in here, no problem. 

Braydon wraps his arm around my waist again securely, leading me to the furthest end of the table. I could see his father sitting down, waving us down. Braydon sits to the right of his father while Denial sits to the left. I sit next to Braydon, hoping I wasnt taking anybody else's spot. I want no trouble to be caused from me coming here.

My heart picks up its pace as a set of bells ring through the hall, making everybody rush to their seats. People enter through another set of doors, bringing in trays of food and setting them down on the table for people to eat. By the time they had finished the set up, I was surprised at the amount of food on the table. So much, words cant even discribe this.

The plates were bigger than any human plates Ive seen. This must be the reason wolves are giants compared to humans. It's amazing what that genetic split did! We have managed to stay quite similar over the many centuries, or however long it has been. Scientists are still trying to figure it out and how its even possible to shift.

The alpha stands up, tapping his fork on a wine glass, catching everybody's attention. He smiles, "Welcome everybody to a late night dinner. Sorry for the inconvenience, but I wanted our special guest to join us tonight. Alison, please stand," he asks me. I listen and stand up, holding onto the bottom of my dress. Braydon gives my leg a light squeeze, as if saying to lighten up or theres nothing to worry about. "Thank you, you may sit," I quickly take my seat, pulling my chair in. I take a few deep breaths, calming myself down, I hardlyndid anythin g and I feel like Im going to have a panic attack. "She is a human-" mutters come from around the table immediantly. Most were rude, calling me small, ugly, and weak. My confidence shrivles up as I look down, feeling even more unwelcomed.

Braydon growls, making everybody stop with a shutter, he stands up, "I dont care what you think of humans, but I will not let this pack have a war because all of you idiots out there think that all humans are aweful. Guess what? Thats what they think of us!" Braydon shouts, his anger building up inside him. I let out a little whimper, closing my eyes. Hes not lying, hes only speaking the truth.

Another person speaks up, an older man, "Then let them think thay, we know who we are," the man says, upset with the alpha's son. Hes trying to reason from the wolve's views.

"If you know who you are, then dont you dare try and question my father's desision. We want peace, not war with the humans," Braydon says as if conducting an impressive speach. I hold onto his pant leg, ready to drag him down. He's making a scene, I dont like scenes.

The man grumbles, not listening, "What the hell could they do-"

He's cut off by Braydon ranting, "They may be small, but theyre smart. They could blow up this whole town in one go. They can make a virus that can only kill us. They can team up with rogues and turn our own species on us. Theyve done it before, so why cant they do it again? I want us to live on, not be obliterated because we cant make friends!" He shouts, slamming his hands on the table. People gasp, probably shocked at how awful he made us look. No, me look. Im here to determine whether or not that happens, I wont let it, but what I say may not matter in the end.

"So we are trying to become friends with humans. The humans who are keeping us barricaded inside our territories while they can prance around wherever they want. A little one sided, dont you think? I dont want an alpha who choses to pick the easy way out," says the old man, suddenly, he turns to me, glaring darkly. "Shes one of them, she will turn her back on us and order them to strike. Shes more of a monster than we will ever be!"

I bite my lip, getting up from my chair, "Excuse me," I say, leaving the dining hall in a run. I toss the heels off by the door, not wanting to be slowed down.

"And she cant even follow our traditions!" He shouts, people cheering him on. "Whatre you going to do alpha? Huh?"

I run and run till I see the front door where I entered from. I unlock it, letting myself out. The cold air hits me, but my body couod hardly feel it due to the adrenaline rush in me. I run through the empty streets, feeling as if it were a ghost town, but its not. Its a hidden society that flourishes on the same planet humans do. How could we not know their existance?

I stop when I hit the end of the main street, which just led right into the thick forest. My lungs take a break as I slide down a tree to think of what just happened. I just got called a monster with tje assumption I can do all those horrible things. And Braydon, he didnt help, he made it worse! He just had to say all of that infront of his whole pack. If anyone even remotely liked me when I came, they dont now.

My body cools down and the wind gives me goosebumps. Silent tears flow down my cheeks as I bury my head into my arms.

I cant do this, Im not brave enough.

"Ow!" I straighten up feeling my back increase in pain. More tears flow down my cheek as I take in deep breaths. I think, I think I tore some of my stitches.


Got some mutual hate going on here (\《•3•》/) Braydon, why you gotta do that?

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